Add multiple simillar objects

but how do I move all group of objects?

You either move them individually or you move the group where all of them are placed.

object[1].x = object[1].x + 10

Of course, to move them individually, you’ll need to have a reference to each object. If you just want to move them all, then you can move the display group via:

myGroup.x = myGroup.x + 10

But when I changed “zombie” to “enemyGroup” in my runtime function weird things happen zombies don’t go to center but they just rotate weirdly and move out of the screen…
My original function:

    local function enemy()
      if zombie.removeSelf then
        if zombie.x < display.contentCenterX then
          zombie.x = zombie.x + 1
        if zombie.y > display.contentCenterY then
          zombie.y = zombie.y - 1
        if zombie.x > display.contentCenterX then
          zombie.x = zombie.x - 1
        if zombie.y < display.contentCenterY then
          zombie.y = zombie.y + 1
        zombie.rotation = 90 + math.deg(math.atan2(zombie.y - hero.y, zombie.x - hero.x))

And changed function:

    local function enemy()
      if zombie.removeSelf then
        if zombie.x < display.contentCenterX then
          enemyGroup.x = enemyGroup.x + 1
        if zombie.y > display.contentCenterY then
          enemyGroup.y = enemyGroup.y - 1
        if zombie.x > display.contentCenterX then
          enemyGroup.x = enemyGroup.x - 1
        if zombie.y < display.contentCenterY then
          enemyGroup.y = enemyGroup.y + 1
        enemyGroup.rotation = 90 + math.deg(math.atan2(zombie.y - hero.y, zombie.x - hero.x))

Have a look at bellow help 101 tips… number 8 might be what you are looking for, though all are great tips to remember: [Tips] Optimization 101

I have return in my enemy creation function. And my issue is what enemies move, but not to the center.

    local function createEnemy( group, x, y, params )
      local params = params or { hp = 20, dmg = 10 }
      local zombie = display.newImage( group, "Images/zombie.jpg" )
      zombie.x = x
      zombie.y = y
      zombie.hp = params.hp
      zombie.dmg = params.dmg
      physics.addBody(zombie, "dynamic")
      enemies[#enemies+1] = zombie
      return zombie

I think you might have a look at anchor points and display group positioning.
As far as i can tell, your code looks fine, except I am not sure about the naming of group here:
local zombie = display.newImage( group…
Group might be reserved keyword so I would perhaps put it in a local variable first local myGroup = group, so the code would be:
local zombie = display.newImage( myGroup…

I would like to see some response from more experienced coders, If this is necessary or not though.

I changed it, seems no result. But anyways, thanks for help :slight_smile:

I think I know where is the issue I am moving whole group at once, but I need to move all group, but invidually.

so is there way to do it?

Firstly, for @ConveyedRex7592, I already explained how you’d access display objects that have been added to a table. For instance, if you added them to a table using number keys, then you’d just refer to them like object[1].x = object[1].x + 10.

It really seems like you would benefit from some tutorials. This isn’t a criticism, this is just me trying to help you out. Take a look at (especially the Getting Started Guide). I feel like you’d benefit greatly from going through that.

@Odisej That link provides a lot of good tips, but there are some mistakes, typos and oversights, especially with tip #8.

This is a bit off topic, but, for instance, the spawnAGuy “Best example”, would crash if a table isn’t passed to the function. Making it crash proof would be as simple as:

local function spawnAGuy(params) 
  local params = params or {} -- if params isn't passed, create an empty table.
  local guy = display.newImage("guy.png")  
  guy.x = params.x or 100 -- without params table, this line would crash.
  guy.y = params.y or 100  
  if then -- there was a typo here.
  return guy  

Now, we can remove the display objects even if we don’t return anything from the function by simply removing the display group that they are added to. This happens because Lua’s garbage collector will remove objects from memory if they no longer have a reference to them. If we don’t explicitly assign a reference to the display objects that we create, then there will only be a reference to them in the (or stage) that they are added to.

In either of my two examples above, whether you remove all direct references or just the display group where the objects are, the memory footprint will be the same.

Now, finally, there’s another big issue with tip #8 concerning the destroy() method. Here’s a simplified version of it:

local function spawnARect()
    local rect = display.newRect(100,100,100,100)
    function rect:destroy()
        self = nil
    return rect  

local spawnedRect = spawnARect()
print( spawnedRect ) -- It still exists even though we just destroyed it?

This is actually something that I was asking about for myself last year or the year before that, so we are all continually learning. :stuck_out_tongue:

The problem with this method is that it while it can remove the display object via a refence to itself, it cannot set itself to nil because of how tables work in Lua. Essentially, self is another reference to the same display object (table) as with spawnedRect. However, in Lua, you must explicitly set each reference to a table to nil before the table actually becomes nil.

In other words, the destroy() method sets a reference to the display object that only exists within the function to nil, but it doesn’t affect the references outside of the function at all. Now, there are ways to get it to properly destroy itself, but I’ve already rambled far too long about this off-topic issue. :smiley:

I found a solution in !
Thanks for help.

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I put together the beginnings of a basic game that demonstrates several best practices.

It is not a complete game, there is no goal and I did not add bullets, although there is a fire button.

Instead this is an example to examine, tweak, pull apart and perhaps to add to.


Thanks! It will be useful for sure