AGAIN! Got logged out while I was posting. AWESOME...NOT!

I do that every time, too – except when I forget. Which just happened and I lost a comprehensive reply to someone’s post.

I went in to the sub-forum, clicked the thread, and read the message. I was logged in for those two mouse-clicks. Otherwise I wouldn’t have been given a field that allowed me to reply.

So frustrating. If the forum would spit back the text of what I’m not “allowed” to post at LEAST I could grab it and then log in again.

[import]uid: 9440 topic_id: 3133 reply_id: 33624[/import]

How often are you guys seen this?

We just did a massive upgrade to our infrastructure to resolve issues like this…

Please let me know if you can if this is repeating.

The server upgrade happened last week.

C. [import]uid: 24 topic_id: 3133 reply_id: 33632[/import]

Depends on if you are lucky or not. The problem is that the forum logs you out after… i think 24 hrs…! In over places you can choose to be logged in forever, at least till you delete the cookies from the browser cache. Here not. Another best practise is to logout and login before you want to reply the very first time of a day. [import]uid: 5712 topic_id: 3133 reply_id: 33689[/import]

As a workaround you can use a cookie manager (I use ‘edit this cookie’ for chrome)
and set the expiration date of the corona session cookie to forever (or one year or whatever) yourself.
Woks for me like a charm… Didn’t have to login since 2 weeks now :wink:

(of course the best option would be if would just set the expiration date higher…)

hope that helps [import]uid: 47599 topic_id: 3133 reply_id: 33769[/import]