All the ALmixerSoundCompletionEvent() crashes have gone

My game had a lot of audio-related crashes (Rtt::ALmixerSoundCompletionEvent::~ALmixerSoundCompletionEvent()). To solve these crashes, I replaced the Solar2D audio library with the Soloud plugin. However, I found that one of the MP3 files could not be played normally with soloud plugin. I fixed it and switched back to the Solar2D audio library. The crashes disappeared.


That’s interesting to know. I saw on the main SoLoud forum post that you were having problems with luaD_precall errors - are they the errors that were caused by mp3 files, or do you still have that problem?

After a quick test with the mp3check tool and the switches you provided, data (junk) removal does not necessarily constitute data corruption; at least it wasn’t in my case (it removed the ID3 tag).

If format is in question then you can try testing with different ones, though I don’t think the onComplete crash bug is related to the file format, at least it can be ruled out for sure via tests.

I think they were not caused by the mp3 files.

I still have the problem and I switched back to solar2d audio api.

Reproducing that crash is difficult.

Although the number of crashes on the Google Play Console is not small, it still occurs with extremely low probability, and I have never encountered it myself.

I can only observe the results through the data on the Google Play Console.

“My previous statement was incorrect. Some of the MP3s were flagged as ‘not an audio MPEG stream’ when checked with MP3Check. I fixed them using FFmpeg(save to Ogg then save back to mp3) and have since uploaded the corrected MP3 files.” (8.5 KB)

Thanks for the data samples. :+1:t3:

The tag on those files are bigger than the actual audio data. :slightly_smiling_face:

Not sure if you saw this thread, but basically the issue is reproducible even with wav files, and apparently a bug was already submitted.

This is also the source of most of my crashes and there’s nothing I’ve found that can fix it.

So you’re saying changing the metadata on the mp3 files did fix it? Or did it NOT fix it?

Sorry it wasn’t clear to me. I use a mix of mp3 and wav files for all of my small sound effects and mp3 for my main background music.

If someone has a proper solution that fixes this 100%, I’d love to hear it! Like all of you said, it’s extremely hard to track down this crash and it seems very random looking at the Play Dashboard crash logs.

Edit: Also, I do NOT use onComplete listeners for any of my audio playback and I still have these crashes.

Any updates on this? Anyone have a way to stop these crashes.