Amazon Ads Plug-in crashes at app startup?

“Good news” I used the graphicCompatible mode and was able to run the app more or less. But the main thing is that now I am getting Amazon ads! (test mode) The app seems to be more the most part functioning but had some really bad issue like not detecting some obvious collision with the terrain below (static) but detecting other collisions with coins/powerups (dynamic) and when I exit the app the app crash. These issues were not present in my 1260 build version (now I am using #2363)

It is clear to me that I have some work to do before I can send the app to Amazon with the new plugin and the new build!  Still I am encourage that the Amazon plugin seems to work with #2363. I will be interested to find out the minimum build for the ads plugin to work?

Hope this will someone here who is hoping to use the Amazon ads plugin. Thanks Rob for suggesting the compatibility mode!


Is there a reason you’re using 2263 instead of 2381?  We fixed a bunch of bugs  since then.


Nope :slight_smile: I will try 2381!


edit: my bad, I was using 2363 not 2263…But I will try the newest build or the last public one and see.

Ok, the minimum supported version is: v2189.

Regarding your collision issues, there have been a few threads posted around here that indicate that this was due to a fix in the box2d library that caused issues with small/tiny physics bodies.

The solution is to make your bodies a little bigger until they are valid physics bodies.


Thanks! That good to know about the minimum build.

Thanks for the info about the collision! I did not know it was an issue when going from 1260 to newer build?  My physics objects cannot really be define as very small (most are 30+ pixel radius)  but I will check.  The hero collide fine with the powerups and enemies (dynamic objects) But for some reason none (hero,powerups and enemies) seems NOT to collide with any walls (static)?

In any event thank you again for your help. I appreciate it.
