Android: Camera Causes Application To Restart


Understanding the problem is the first step in solving it… :slight_smile:

I have no audio in my app yet. There may come some sound effects, but probably not many of them.

What I have in memory are images, because I crop the pictures shot with the camera (downscaled) and show them in a scrollView.

I will do further testing with the Corona-camera app, but it seems ok at first glance.

Thanx for your help!

I’m assuming that this is outdated?

Our updated guides can be found here…

I’m assuming that this is outdated?

Our updated guides can be found here…

We have been using Corona now for about two years for our app development.  This issue where the app restarts when taking a picture persists on Android.

After lots of testing and debugging, I do not thing this is a memory issue.  I can get the restarts to occur with a fresh install of Lollipop on a Galaxy S5 using just the simple Corona camera test app. We’ve seen this same error on Galaxy S4, Notes, as well

We have thousands of users using our app…I know of 2 customer reports of this issue.  Both on Samsung devices too.  

I know this sounds crazy, but, after taking thousands of test pictures in different conditions, I think there is a good chance this is actually a battery/low voltage issue.  If the resolution is reduced to 12 MP or below, the error almost never happens.   I believe Samsung changes some system operation items below 20% battery capacity to save power…the issue goes away.  

Interestingly, we cannot get the issue to occur when we are in debug mode so we can actually see what is going on…guess what, USB cable is connected and we are charging. 

This is not a 100% diagnosis.  But, we are 5 engineers have done thousands of tests to try and re-produce this.  This is the most correlated thing we can find.  We have stuck in memory logs everywhere…the device has plenty of memory, the reported app memory is 12MB.  

We desperately need Corona to take another look at this issue and resolve.  Even if you could give us control of camera resolution, the problem would go away as well.  

We will need a bug report to get Engineering to look at this.


We have been using Corona now for about two years for our app development.  This issue where the app restarts when taking a picture persists on Android.

After lots of testing and debugging, I do not thing this is a memory issue.  I can get the restarts to occur with a fresh install of Lollipop on a Galaxy S5 using just the simple Corona camera test app. We’ve seen this same error on Galaxy S4, Notes, as well

We have thousands of users using our app…I know of 2 customer reports of this issue.  Both on Samsung devices too.  

I know this sounds crazy, but, after taking thousands of test pictures in different conditions, I think there is a good chance this is actually a battery/low voltage issue.  If the resolution is reduced to 12 MP or below, the error almost never happens.   I believe Samsung changes some system operation items below 20% battery capacity to save power…the issue goes away.  

Interestingly, we cannot get the issue to occur when we are in debug mode so we can actually see what is going on…guess what, USB cable is connected and we are charging. 

This is not a 100% diagnosis.  But, we are 5 engineers have done thousands of tests to try and re-produce this.  This is the most correlated thing we can find.  We have stuck in memory logs everywhere…the device has plenty of memory, the reported app memory is 12MB.  

We desperately need Corona to take another look at this issue and resolve.  Even if you could give us control of camera resolution, the problem would go away as well.  

We will need a bug report to get Engineering to look at this.


I’m also experiencing this on a Galaxy S5, not every picture but enough to be annoying to the user.

We still need a bug report. Please post the Case # you get in the email back here.



I’m also experiencing this on a Galaxy S5, not every picture but enough to be annoying to the user.

We still need a bug report. Please post the Case # you get in the email back here.

