Android Exceptions

This issue with remote images is now fixed. Our newest changes can now successfully open images from Picasa, Google+, SkyDrive, and DropBox. This fix will be made available in daily build #1041.

Regarding the Facebook, Flurry, and other libraries that you see within Corona’s dex file, those are just Corona’s thin plugin interfaces to those 3rd party libraries. They won’t do any harm. In fact, they belong to the JAR files that you see in the following directory…
> CoronaEnterprise/Corona/android/lib/Corona/libs

If you don’t like their inclusion at the moment, then you can try removing those JAR files from Corona’s “libs” directory yourself. That will exclude their classes from the final build. I haven’t tested their exclusion from Corona for myself, but I’m pretty sure as long as you never require those features, then they won’t do any harm.

Our plugin support on Android is still very new and being actively worked on, meaning we still have some cleanup to do and we’ll likely make these libraries optional. In fact, our first real guinea pig with an “optional” Android plugin will be the upcoming Green Throttle. So, I would expect some Enterprise plugin changes sometime later this month.

Anyways, I hope this helps! [import]uid: 32256 topic_id: 35601 reply_id: 144767[/import]

Oh right, and I believe the iOS team completely removed facebook references from Corona Enterprise for iOS in daily build #1038
[import]uid: 32256 topic_id: 35601 reply_id: 144768[/import]

1041 works like a charm with regards to images from different sources.
Thanks Joshua! :slight_smile: [import]uid: 63706 topic_id: 35601 reply_id: 144825[/import]