adb still blocked in waiting for you device and my phone is already connected to pc with usb cable
Sound like you need to put your device in developer mode.
What version of Corona are you using?
Your build.settings does not include the AdMob plugin. You also should remove the plugin since it no longer exists for modern Corona builds.
AdMob is also a paid plugin. To use it, you have to purchase an annual license. See:
Posting screen shots of the console log is better than nothing, but it’s much better if you can copy and paste it from the cmd.exe or powershell options on Windows. That way we avoid the wrapping lines and we can see more of the log to get a context of the various issues.
Your edit.lua doesn’t seem to have any code that’s trying to initialize anything. It seems to be just setting default values for things (and using Global variables).
We will need to see the code where you’re also trying to call admob.init(), vungle.init() etc.
You need to enable developer mode on your device and switch on USB debugging. This is all info readily available with a quick Google.
my device is already on developper mode and same prob with adb
rob im using the last version of corona , you need this ?
--@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ composer.gotoScene ( "menu" ) audio.setVolume(1) audio.setVolume( 1, { channel=0 } ) audio.setVolume( 0, { channel=2 } ) if musicEnabled then sndMusic, { channel=10, loops=-1}) end if googleplayservices then gameNetwork.init( "google", gpgsInitCallback ) end if adsAdmob and playerData.removedads == 0 then ads.init( "admob", admob\_id) if TEST\_ADS then ads.load("interstitial", { appId = admob\_id, testMode = true }) else ads.load("interstitial", { appId = admob\_id, testMode = false }) end end if adsVungle then ads.init("vungle", vungle\_id, vungleAdListener) end fader = display.newRect(centerX,centerY,screenWidth,screenHeight) fader:setFillColor(0,0,0) fader:toFront() --@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
Your problem is most likely you are not including the admob plugin in your build.settings. Just add that and it will probably work.
Oh re ADB you need to have the correct USB drivers installed for your device otherwise ADB won’t recognise your device.
could you fix it for me on build.settings please here is the code :
settings = { android = { googlePlayGamesAppId = "962898591734", usesPermissions = { "android.permission.INTERNET", "android.permission.ACCESS\_NETWORK\_STATE", "", "\_LICENSE", }, }, orientation = { default = "landscape", supported = { "landscape", } }, plugins = { --key is the name passed to the Lua "require()" [""] = { --required! publisherId = "com.coronalabs", }, [""] = { publisherId = "com.coronalabs" }, [""] = { publisherId = "com.vungle", }, [""] = { publisherId = "com.coronalabs", supportedPlatforms = { android=true } }, [""] = { publisherId = "com.coronalabs" }, } }
If you’re having trouble connecting to the device still it might be worth,
Unplug the cable from your PC
Wait for OS to load.
Plug cable back in.
Wait. You should get a notice (audible or otherwise that the device was recognized by your machine).
Go to command line and type:
adb devices
- If you get a list of devices, then try the ADB command:
adb logcat Corona:v *:s
Also, are you on a Windows machine or an OS X machine. if the prior you may need to update your drivers to recognize the device.
You really need to read the docs!
settings = { plugins = { ["plugin.admob"] = { publisherId = "com.coronalabs" }, }, }
It looks like you’ve bought this code from somebody and you’re trying to do a re-skin, right?
The problem is that the code is old and the plugins used are either not available anymore or have changed in a substantial way which will require you to modify the code.
My advice is that you take the time to learn how Corona works so that you can make these modifications yourself.
There are many resources available here:
Yes right i bought it from codecanyon i don’t have many time to learn how corona works can someone do this for me for a small price?
I believe this is the template. It was published in 2015.
Our plugin system has changed significantly since then and will need updated to the new plugin system. Hiring someone to do this is something that would work. However…
If you want to use AdMob, you will have to purchase the AdMob plugin:
You really cannot proceed until you do this. AdMob used to be a free plugin, but it no longer is. If you want AdMob and not purchase the AdMob plugin, you can adapt Appodeal which includes AdMob ads.
Once you make that decision, then you could hire someone to adjust the code for you. If you want to hire someone, I would recommend that you change the forum post title to reflect you want to hire someone to implement ad code. If you do, I can then move this to the Jobs forum where it will be best.
Hi @hotrodsaadd.
Welcome to our community forums.
You need to look at your device’s console log and see what’s going on. Depending on your setup the instructions will vary somewhat.
Are you on a Mac or Windows?
How are you installing your APK on your device?
You might also want to read:
It also has a list of common issues that crop up when testing on a device as well has how to look at your console.log.
Hey rob im on windows i build the apk and move it to my phone using usb cable… when i install on run it it crash on startup
You will need to either install Android Studio or “Android Debug Bridge” or “ADB” tools. Once you have that, you can look at your device’s console log for errors.
This is all covered in the debug guide.
We can’t really help you until we can see the error messages.
Unfortunately that’s not very helpful. Messages are cut off. I don’t see any Corona generated messages. Why are you searching for “jetpack”?
because its my application what i need to search and screenshot??
Install ADB an run this command in a dos box with your phone connected via USB. It should be obvious what the problem is.
Also make sure you are using a debug key and you haven’t suppressed errors.
adb logcat Corona:v \*:s
here is log for corona :