Apple's TestFlight for External Testers - review time?

just checked out Installrapp. It seems to charge per app?

I am actually using Testfairy for android version now, it is painless and no need to add SDK anything. Basically just build and upload, that’s all, and it will auto update the app too, don’t have to send an email to notify tester to update it. The recording of testers playing the game is really awesome.

Yet to try iOS version.

Yes, Apple’s testflight only supports iOS 8. And read from other users sometimes the invitation email didn’t sent out.

I have a few that were interested to beta test, but didn’t try out the game, not sure if they received the email.

@Nob Studio, you can record Android players on TestFairy without integrating the SDK? I’ve only tested on iOS so far and this is the message I see in the dashboard: TestFairy SDK not integrated in build, no recordings will be performed.

Yup, I am surprised too. In the Build Settings just make sure Recording Status is enabled.

I am still on the free trial of start up plan. Once its over only 200 video recording per month allowed.