Where do I locate the build.settings? Is this in the .zip file
It should be in the folder with your main.lua file.
See: http://docs.coronalabs.com/guide/distribution/buildSettings/index.html
You should never unzip your app’s .zip file. If you do and make changes, you have to go through a lot of work to resign the app correctly.
I followed the instruction and typed CFBundleShortVersionString = “1.0” into the build.setting and then I received the following message:
ERROR: Could not complete build because there were compile errors in Lua file: /Users/amekaali/Documents/Kwik3/AL_Journey_to_C/build/page_3.lua
Check Simulator console for error messages.
I went back to the build.settings to remove what I typed in and now the build.setting file is empty.
I was able to replace the build.settings file and page_3.lua file from my external hard drive and now the build is working again so now I’m back where I started with the error message from Application Loader:
The Info.plist in the package must contain the CFBundleShortVersionString key.
This is what my build.setting file looks like. Where do I insert?
– build.settings
settings =
android =
usesPermissions =
orientation =
default = “landscapeRight”,
supported = { “landscapeLeft”, “landscapeRight” }
iphone =
UIApplicationExitsOnSuspend = false,
UIStatusBarHidden = true,
CFBundleIconFiles = {
settings =
android =
usesPermissions =
orientation =
default = “landscapeRight”,
supported = { “landscapeLeft”, “landscapeRight” }
iphone =
UIApplicationExitsOnSuspend = false,
CFBundleShortVersionString = “1.0”, – notice the very important comma at the end.
UIStatusBarHidden = true,
CFBundleIconFiles = {
Rob, I typed this in just as you provided above. Now I’m getting a build error I mentioned earlier:
ERROR: Could not complete build because there were compile errors in Lua file: /Users/amekaali/Documents/Kwik3/AL_Journey_to_C/build/page_3.lua
It sounds like there is an error in your “page_3.lua” file. The simulator only uses the files it needs, however the build process tries to compile all .lua files even if they are not used.
Hi Rob,
I corrected my issue with “page_3.lua” file. I rebuild the app for distribution and I am still getting the error for the CFBundleShortVersionString. I opened the build.setting file and the CFBundleShortVersionString = “1.0” is there. Could it not be updating in the .zip file?
I just upgraded to the Pro to get the daily builds. That got rid of the error.
Alright, so when is the next build coming out? I still am on the basic corona package. As a paying customer who has been working on a game for two months that I want to release this is very frustrating. I understand apple changed things up but I need to release my game pronto and this just flat out sucks.
We are hoping to have a public build out soon. Because the testing process tends to discover bugs that have to be fixed, we can’t give a precise date, but we are testing now. I’d love to give you a date, but it’s just too volatile.