Appodeal link error

Hi Danny;

Thank you so much for the clarity of your response.

Thank you for FINALLY explaining clearly something that should have been CLEARLY explained in Corona’s docs since the Beta of CoronaAds back in February/March. And something that should have been in the AppoDeal documents since its introduction.

I burned a day of my life on AppoDeal (Today). I burned another 3+ days of my life on the CoronaAds Beta. And, back in March, I was very clear to the Corona team that I intended to use CoronaAds in CONJUNCTION with other ad networks. Those networks have been successful for me in the past and they continue to provide high revenue per impression. Nobody on that Corona Beta team said nuthin like what you explained today. 

If what you explained today (incompatibility with other major ad plugins) had been documented or made clear to me “back then”, I would have had approximately an extra work week to do things that are actually successful and rewarding (rather than frustrating). Or maybe I would have spent it vacationing with my family. Too bad it is gone now. We’ll never know.

I appreciate your clarity.


I’m sorry to hear of your wasted time. Please accept our apologies.

I am working on adding this information to the Appodeal docs so there is a clear reference going forward for what plugins you can’t use in conjunction with Appodeal (due to the mediation) and a note about the google services on iOS.

Thanks for raising the issue, I agree that this should be documented as it can get confusing with the number of plugins we have available.

Hi Danny;

Thanks so much. 

Just one further thought. If the “Build Error” was more explicit in its language . . .

. . . something like “BUILD ERROR: There is an incompatibility between Plugins using duplicate Symbols.”

This would give any of your developers a head start in understanding why they have bumped into this.



What version of Corona SDK are you using?

What version of macOS are you using?

What version of Xcode are you using?

What version of Corona SDK are you using? CoronaSDK 2016.2931

What version of macOS are you using? OS X  El Capitan Version 10.11.6

What version of Xcode are you using? Version 7.3.1(7D1014)

I just tried and didn’t get that message. Can you post the entire console log?


I’m also getting an error when trying to build with the appodeal plugin. 

Daily build 2931

MacOS El Capitan 10.11.4

Xcode 7.3.1

The error mine says is “Build failed: there was a problem linking the app.”

Can you post your entire console log fro the build run please?

Hey Rob,

Is this what you wanted from the console window?

I couldn’t upload to pastebin because it was too big, hope the rtf is ok.

Perfect. I’ll send this to the engineering team. I wouldn’t expect a response until next week though.


Rob, here is my console log from my build , its also too large to pose.

Does Appodeal have any gotcha’s?? Can you still you use Admob as backup and can you still use flurry with appodeal?

I’m unaware of any Gotcha’s other than Appodeal has SDK’s built in to their SDK for the ad providers they support. Since they use Admob too, I don’t see why you would want to burden yourself with coding up multiple ad providers. You should get a 100% fill rate and great eCPMs from Appodeal.

I’ve not heard an issues with Flurry and Appodeal.


@burnsj002, are you just seeing warnings about the mis-matched SDK or is it actually erroring out? The log got cut off and I couldn’t see the final build results.

If the build is completing, then you can ignore the warnings. Engineering says they are harmless.


Rob, check the file in drop box again. I saved it with the entire console build this time.

But yes I get errors on the build.

At least one of the issues that you have I had. On iOS,  you can not include GoogleGameServices since Appodeal already includes its own version (and a much newer version).

The rest of the errors I saw are just warnings.

Thanks for the logs.

It looks like this is a case of plugin intercompatibility between appodeal and x plugin.

I am investigating this and will report back.

Thank you

Danny please make sure they don’t break it.  It works perfectly for me on Android, Amazon and iOS. It is like a dream and the best working ad plugin so far. 100 fill rate and the iOS version is using a recent version of Admob so it even supports SDK less mediation. This is technically not a defect since you can remove the duplicate plugin and it works.

Well, I was finally able to compile my App with Appodeal plugin without any link errors :D Agramonte was right. I removed GoogleGameServices & Flurry plugins and it works fine now.

Just curious does the Google Analytics plugin cause link problems with Appodeal? 

From what I can tell it works with Google Analytics on iOS. I don’t think it works on Android with GoogleGameServices and this is why I have been using the old all lua plugin.

From my investigation so far, this only affects iOS. So you should use the relevant Google related plugins on Android as you were previously.