Hi Danny;
Thank you so much for the clarity of your response.
Thank you for FINALLY explaining clearly something that should have been CLEARLY explained in Corona’s docs since the Beta of CoronaAds back in February/March. And something that should have been in the AppoDeal documents since its introduction.
I burned a day of my life on AppoDeal (Today). I burned another 3+ days of my life on the CoronaAds Beta. And, back in March, I was very clear to the Corona team that I intended to use CoronaAds in CONJUNCTION with other ad networks. Those networks have been successful for me in the past and they continue to provide high revenue per impression. Nobody on that Corona Beta team said nuthin like what you explained today.
If what you explained today (incompatibility with other major ad plugins) had been documented or made clear to me “back then”, I would have had approximately an extra work week to do things that are actually successful and rewarding (rather than frustrating). Or maybe I would have spent it vacationing with my family. Too bad it is gone now. We’ll never know.
I appreciate your clarity.