Thank you, Max!
Here are the codes:
-- Audio callings local page33 = audio.loadStream( audioDir.."page33.mp3") local kidscheering = audio.loadSound( audioDir.."kidscheering.mp3") local okwillcallyousp = audio.loadSound( audioDir.."okwillcallyouspot.mp3")
and the button functions:
-- Button functions function but\_boy(self) wBounce\_boy() audio.setVolume(1, {channel=3} ) kidscheering, {channel=3, loops = 0, fadein=0 } ) end function but\_girl(self) wBounce\_g() audio.setVolume(1, {channel=3} ) kidscheering, {channel=3, loops = 0, fadein=0 } ) end function but\_mom(self) audio.setVolume(1, {channel=2} ) okwillcallyousp, {channel=2, loops = 0, fadein=0 } ) end
Lastly, the dispose:
dispose = function(event) cancelAllTweens() cancelAllTimers(); cancelAllTransitions() audio.stop(1); audio.dispose(page33); page33 = nil audio.stop(3); audio.dispose(kidscheering); kidscheering = nil audio.stop(2); audio.dispose(okwillcallyousp); okwillcallyousp = nil page33bg:removeEventListener( Gesture.SWIPE\_EVENT, pageSwap ); Gesture.deactivate(page33bg) end
I have noticed that the shared audio file for the two characters use the same channel (channel 3). Is this the issue?
Thanks again for taking your time to help me out!