OK. I still want something, better, but this works for those who want to use it. Do the following.
Add this code into a module named “autolocalize.lua”
local function go( module ) local mod = require( module ) local i = 1 while(debug.getlocal(2,i) ~= nil ) do local name,value = debug.getlocal(2,i) --print(name,value) if(mod[name] ~= nil) then --print(“Found”, name, mod[name] ) debug.setlocal(2,i,mod[name]) end i = i + 1 end end local public = {} public.go = go return public
Use it like this:
local min,max,sqrt,random; require(“autolocalize”).go(“math”) local getTimer,getInfo; require(“autolocalize”).go(“system”)
@Sergey, I hope you have a better idea!