Bitmap font


Sorry about that. I had forgotten that I had modified bmf.lua to handle this. My changes are below.


[lua]module( …, package.seeall )

– AngelCode bitmap font support

require( ‘sprite’ )

– Specify an Angelcode format bitmap font definition file (".FNT")
– The spritesheet(s) that this file references need to be located in the resource directory.
– Return value is a font object that can be used when calling newString
function loadFont( fntFile, path )
local function extract( s, p )
return string.match( s, p ), string.gsub( s, p, ‘’, 1 )
local path = path or “”
local font = { info = {}, spritesheets = {}, sprites = {}, chars = {}, kernings = {} }
local readline = io.lines( system.pathForFile( path…fntFile, system.ResourceDirectory ) )
for line in readline do
local t = {}; local tag;
tag, line = extract( line, ‘^%s*([%a_]+)%s*’ )
while string.len( line ) > 0 do
local k, v
k, line = extract( line, ‘^([%a_]+)=’ )
if not k then
v, line = extract( line, ‘^"([^"]*)"%s*’ )
if not v then
v, line = extract( line, ‘^([^%s]*)%s*’ )
if not v then
t[k] = v
if tag == ‘info’ or tag == ‘common’ then
for k, v in pairs( t ) do[k] = v end
elseif tag == ‘page’ then
font.spritesheets[1 +] = { file = t.file, frames = {} }
elseif tag == ‘char’ then
t.letter = string.char( )
font.chars[t.letter] = {}
for k, v in pairs( t ) do font.chars[t.letter][k] = v end
if 0 + font.chars[t.letter].width > 0 and 0 + font.chars[t.letter].height > 0 then
font.spritesheets[1 +].frames[#font.spritesheets[ 1 +].frames + 1 ] = {
–textureRect = { x = 0 + t.x, y = 0 + t.y, width = -1 + t.width, height = -1 + t.height }, --CLF removed the -1, it was causing issues with fonts with borders
textureRect = { x = 0 + t.x, y = 0 + t.y, width = t.width, height = t.height },
spriteSourceSize = { width = 0 + t.width, height = 0 + t.height },
spriteColorRect = { x = 0, y = 0, width = -1 + t.width, height = -1 + t.height },
spriteTrimmed = true
font.sprites[t.letter] = {
spritesheet = 1 +,
frame = #font.spritesheets[1 +].frames
elseif( tag == ‘kerning’ ) then
font.kernings[string.char( t.first ) … string.char( t.second )] = 0 + t.amount
for k, v in pairs( font.spritesheets ) do
font.spritesheets[k].sheet = sprite.newSpriteSheetFromData( path…v.file, v )
for k, v in pairs( font.sprites ) do
font.sprites[k] = sprite.newSpriteSet( font.spritesheets[v.spritesheet].sheet, v.frame, 1 )
return font

– extend an object with accessor behaviors
local function accessorize( t )
local mt = getmetatable( t )
setmetatable( t, {
__index = function( t, k )
if rawget( t, ‘get_’…k ) then
return rawget(t, ‘get_’…k )( t, k )
elseif rawget( t, ‘raw_’…k ) then
return rawget( t, ‘raw_’…k )
elseif mt.__index then
return mt.__index( t, k )
return nil
__newindex = function( t, k, v )
if rawget( t, ‘set_’…k ) then
rawget( t, ‘set_’…k )( t, k, v )
elseif rawget( t, ‘raw_’…k ) then
rawset( t, ‘raw_’…k, v )
elseif mt.__newindex then
mt.__newindex( t, k, v )
rawset( t, ‘raw_’…k, v )
} )

– extend an object with cascading removeSelf
local function removerize( t )
local old = t.removeSelf
t.removeSelf = function( o )
for i = o.numChildren, 1, -1 do o[i]:removeSelf() end
old( o )

– Pass a font object (obtained from loadFont) and a string to render
– Return value is a DisplayObject of the rendered string
– object.font can be read/modifed
– object.text can be read/modified
– object.align can be read/modified - left/right/center (multiline not yet fully supported for non-left)
– object.input( function(text), { filter = function(), max = 32 } )
– turns the object into a text input.
– the callback is hit when the user presses “return” or the field losed focus.
– this code is under development - more documentation will be added soon…
function newString( font, text )
local obj = display.newGroup()
accessorize( obj )
removerize( obj )

obj.set_font = function( t, k, v )
obj.raw_font = v
if t.text then
t.text = t.text

– Set the alignment of the object
obj.set_align = function( t, k, v )
local w = t.contentWidth
if t.raw_align == ‘right’ then
for i = 1, t.numChildren do
t[i].x = t[i].x - w
elseif t.raw_align == ‘center’ then
for i = 1, t.numChildren do
t[i].x = t[i].x + math.floor( w * 0.5 )
t.raw_align = v
if t.raw_align == ‘right’ then
for i = 1, t.numChildren do
t[i].x = t[i].x + w
elseif t.raw_align == ‘center’ then
for i = 1, t.numChildren do
t[i].x = t[i].x - math.floor( w * 0.5 )
elseif t.raw_align ~= ‘left’ then
t.raw_align = ‘left’

– Set the text for the object
obj.set_text = function( t, k, v )
if ( v == t.raw_text ) then
t.raw_text = v
for i = t.numChildren, 1, -1 do
local oldAlign = ( t.align or ‘left’ )
t.align = ‘left’
local x = 0; local y = 0
local last = ‘’; local xMax = 0; local yMax = 0
if t.raw_font then
for c in string.gmatch( t.raw_text…’\n’, ‘(.)’ ) do
if c == ‘\n’ then
x = 0; y = y +
if y >= yMax then
yMax = y
elseif t.raw_font.chars[c] then
if 0 + t.raw_font.chars[c].width > 0 and 0 + t.raw_font.chars[c].height > 0 then
local letter = sprite.newSprite( t.raw_font.sprites[c] )
if t.raw_font.kernings[last … c] then
x = x + font.kernings[last … c]
t:insert( letter )
letter:setReferencePoint( display.TopLeftReferencePoint )
letter.x = t.raw_font.chars[c].xoffset + x
letter.y = t.raw_font.chars[c].yoffset - + y
last = c
–x = x + t.raw_font.chars[c].xadvance
x = x + t.raw_font.chars[c].xadvance + ( or 0) --CLF added support for outlines
if x >= xMax then
xMax = x
local background = display.newRect( 0,, xMax, yMax )
background.isBackground = true --CLF Added to support tinting of font.
obj:insert( background )
background:setFillColor( 0, 0, 0, 0 )
t.align = oldAlign

obj.input = function( f, args )
– spawn the text field invisibly
local field
– Handle character insertion/deletion
local function char()
– check if any character has been added or deleted
if field.text ~= ‘–’ then
if string.len( field.text ) < 2 then
– backspace was pressed
if string.len( obj.text ) > 0 then
obj.text = string.sub( obj.text, 1, -2 )
– some other key was pressed
obj.text = obj.text…string.sub( field.text, 3 )
field.text = ‘–’
if args.filter then
obj.text = string.sub( args.filter( obj.text ), 1, (args.max or 32) )
obj.text = string.sub( obj.text, 1, (args.max or 32) )
Runtime:addEventListener( ‘enterFrame’, char )
– Handle the “done” phase
local function done( e )
if e.phase == ‘submitted’ or e.phase == ‘ended’ then
native.setKeyboardFocus( nil )
Runtime:removeEventListener( ‘enterFrame’, char )
f( text )
field = native.newTextField( 0, 0, 240, 24, done )
field.text = ‘–’
field.isVisible = false
native.setKeyboardFocus( field )
obj.font = font
obj.align = ‘left’
obj.text = (text or ‘’)
return obj

function newParagraph(font, text, width)
local obj = display.newGroup()
accessorize( obj )
removerize( obj )

obj.set_font = function( t, k, v )
obj.raw_font = v
–if t.text then t.text = t.text end

obj.set_paragraphWidth = function( t, k, v )
obj.raw_paragraphWidth = v
–if t.text then t.text = t.text end

obj.set_tint = function( t, k, v )
obj.raw_tint = v
for i = t.numChildren, 1, -1 do
for j = t[i].numChildren, 1, -1 do
if(not t[i][j].isBackground) then
if v[4] then
–if t.text then t.text = t.text end

obj.set_text = function(t, k, v)
–save the new raw text
t.raw_text = v

–remove all children
for i = t.numChildren, 1, -1 do

–determine the width of a space
local space = bmf.newString(font, " ")
local spaceWidth =*-1 or 0
space = nil

–Create our word-wrapped paragraph.
local spaceLeft = t.raw_paragraphWidth
local x, y = obj.x, obj.y

for word, spacer in string.gmatch(v, “([^%s%-]+)([%s%-]*)”) do
local w = bmf.newString(font, word…spacer)
–print(w.width,“sw” , spaceWidth, “sl”, spaceLeft)
if(w.width + spaceWidth) > spaceLeft then
spaceLeft = t.raw_paragraphWidth - w.width - spaceWidth
y = y +
x = obj.x
w.x = x
w.x = x + t.raw_paragraphWidth - spaceLeft
spaceLeft = spaceLeft - w.width - spaceWidth

w.y = y


obj.paragraphWidth = width or display.viewableContentWidth
obj.text = text
obj.font = font
obj.tint = {255,255,255}

return obj
end[/lua] [import]uid: 16734 topic_id: 6060 reply_id: 79858[/import]

Woawww, now we are talking!

Now, I managed to move my files into the awaiting folder “fonts”. The folder says “big thanks to you” :slight_smile:

But, yes there is always a but…my fonts went 2 or 3 times bigger…no problem I can make them smaller in bmGlyph…but I just wonder why?

How many versions of bmf is out there? No one that could maintain it on github or something?

Thanks, Joakim [import]uid: 81188 topic_id: 6060 reply_id: 79862[/import]

that confirm what i said. this version includes a path paramater (result is the same as changing the .fnt file but of course it’s better to change the bmf.lua …).

fonts 2 or 3 times bigger: please check one of my previous post, it’s probably linked with the dynamic scale content. try to include the modification i made in the version you are using. [import]uid: 113280 topic_id: 6060 reply_id: 79871[/import]

I double checked that, your fix is included in the code above. I am getting a lot of errors when creating new fonts with that code above.

Fonts with size less then 50 doesn’t work at all…

Runtime error  
 ...sman/Desktop/Bomb Journey/Bomb Journey -Game/bmf.lua:61: ERROR: Invalid parameter passed to sprite.newSpriteSheetFromData(). Frame overlaps sprite sheet.  
stack traceback:  
 [C]: ?  
 [C]: in function 'newSpriteSheetFromData'  
 ...sman/Desktop/Bomb Journey/Bomb Journey -Game/bmf.lua:61: in function 'loadFont' Journey/Bomb Journey -Game/main.lua:28: in main chunk  
Runtime error: ...sman/Desktop/Bomb Journey/Bomb Journey -Game/bmf.lua:61: ERROR: Invalid parameter passed to sprite.newSpriteSheetFromData(). Frame overlaps sprite sheet.  
stack traceback:  
 [C]: ?  
 [C]: in function 'newSpriteSheetFromData'  
 ...sman/Desktop/Bomb Journey/Bomb Journey -Game/bmf.lua:61: in function 'loadFont' Journey/Bomb Journey -Game/main.lua:28: in main chunk  

So theres seems to be some version problems here…Are you the author of bmGlyph? If so, it would be nice if you could have one perfect working bmf.lua at your home page…?

Joakim [import]uid: 81188 topic_id: 6060 reply_id: 79875[/import]

I’m not the author, just trying to help out the Corona community.

However, if you email me the FNT and PNG file I will debug it for you and let you know what the issue is.

Ken [at] HomebrewSoftware [dot] com [import]uid: 16734 topic_id: 6060 reply_id: 79909[/import]

Something strange going on here…

On my iPhone 4 everything looks nice. But on 3GS and iPad all bitmap fonts are very small?

Could this be the problem?

if display.contentScaleX == 0.5 then
fontSet1 = bmf.loadFont( ‘hobo-hd.fnt’,FONT_DIR)
fontSet2 = bmf.loadFont( ‘badaboom-hd.fnt’,FONT_DIR )
fontSet1 = bmf.loadFont( ‘hobo.fnt’,FONT_DIR )
fontSet2 = bmf.loadFont( ‘badaboom.fnt’,FONT_DIR )

Regards, Joakim [import]uid: 81188 topic_id: 6060 reply_id: 81989[/import]


Without knowing what your config.lua looks like I cannot say. Can you copy and past your config.lua into a post?

I suspect you are getting the “else” portion because you probably do not have your content scaling set up the way I do. [import]uid: 16734 topic_id: 6060 reply_id: 81992[/import]

Aha, ok here it comes!


application = {
content = {
width = 320,
height = 480,
scale = “letterBox”,
fps = 30,


LevelHelperSettings =
imagesSubfolder = “images”,
levelsSubfolder = “levels”,
directorGroup = nil

[/code] [import]uid: 81188 topic_id: 6060 reply_id: 82001[/import]


With those settings in your config.lua you actually end up with:

display.contentScaleX= 0.46875
display.contentScaleY= 0.46875

for the iPad, and 0.50 for the iPhone 4.

Change your “if” check to just say this:

[lua]if display.contentScaleX < 1 then
fontSet1 = bmf.loadFont( ‘hobo-hd.fnt’,FONT_DIR)
fontSet2 = bmf.loadFont( ‘badaboom-hd.fnt’,FONT_DIR )
fontSet1 = bmf.loadFont( ‘hobo.fnt’,FONT_DIR )
fontSet2 = bmf.loadFont( ‘badaboom.fnt’,FONT_DIR )

Personally I use a much different approach that only uses a single font designed for 1024x768, then set the .xScale and .yScale values of the bmf.newString() result to equal this:

[lua]SCALE_X = display.contentWidth/1024
SCALE_Y = display.contentHeight/768

function ScaleX( nX )
return math.round( nX * SCALE_X )

function ScaleY( nY )
return math.round( nY * SCALE_Y )

myString = bmf.newString( myFont, “This text will work on all displays” )

myString.xScale = SCALE_X
myString.yScale = SCALE_Y[/lua] [import]uid: 16734 topic_id: 6060 reply_id: 82007[/import]

Thanks, @Ken - but what about my settings in config.lua - are they fine or do you suggest some other settings?

Regards, Joakim [import]uid: 81188 topic_id: 6060 reply_id: 82116[/import]

@Ken, that did work out perfect and I think that the fonts look more crispy and clear then before!

Thanks, Joakim [import]uid: 81188 topic_id: 6060 reply_id: 82210[/import]

the V1.2 update is now available and comes with 2 new features: gradient for stroke, and kernings. several bugs have been fixed and i also spent time on glyph aligments which is now much more accurate especially with small font size. [import]uid: 113280 topic_id: 6060 reply_id: 82428[/import]


i am trying to investigate why this library does not work for specific scenario

  • use sprites in font
  • use storyboard with fade transition from scene to scene
  • use scene.xOrigin = 30

during transition all bmfFont object are shifted in one direction

— SCENE ------------------
function scene:createScene( event )

local screenGroup = self.view
screenGroup.xOrigin = 30

Tom [import]uid: 111283 topic_id: 6060 reply_id: 84292[/import]


Do you add your objects created by bmf.newString() to your scene’s group? [import]uid: 16734 topic_id: 6060 reply_id: 84294[/import]


At last i was able to duplicate it :wink:

Use storyboard sample from Ansca Samples (735). Use those changes and look for effect during transitions (FADE is recommended):

-- scene1.lua  
local fff = require("bmf")  
local fontek = fff.loadFont( "YourFontFile.fnt" )  
--in create Scene  
local screenGroup = self.view  
screenGroup.xOrigin = 40  
local ccc = fff.newString(fontek,"This text will be shifted")  
ccc.x = 40  
ccc.y = 20  
screenGroup:insert( ccc )  
-- scene3.lua  
local fff = require("bmf")  
local fontek = fff.loadFont( "YourFontFile.fnt" )  
--in create scene  
local ccc = fff.newString(fontek,"This text will NOT be shifted")  
ccc.x = 40  
ccc.y = 20  
screenGroup:insert( ccc )  

Tom [import]uid: 111283 topic_id: 6060 reply_id: 84297[/import]

any update on this one ?

Tom [import]uid: 111283 topic_id: 6060 reply_id: 85287[/import]


I don’t see the issue. If you shift the screenGroup to the right, the text will also get shifted to the right since it is all relative to the group.

If you don’t want the text shifted then do something like this:

– scene1.lua

local fff = require(“bmf”)
local fontek = fff.loadFont( “YourFontFile.fnt” )

local shiftX = 40

–in create Scene
local screenGroup = self.view
screenGroup.xOrigin = shiftX

local ccc = fff.newString(fontek,“This text will be shifted”)
ccc.x = 40 - shiftX
ccc.y = 20
screenGroup:insert( ccc )

– scene3.lua

local fff = require(“bmf”)
local fontek = fff.loadFont( “YourFontFile.fnt” )

–in create scene
local ccc = fff.newString(fontek,“This text will NOT be shifted”)
ccc.x = 40
ccc.y = 20
screenGroup:insert( ccc )[/lua] [import]uid: 16734 topic_id: 6060 reply_id: 85292[/import]

But this makes no sense. Font is shifted ONLY during screen transition, only during fading out. And its working only using storyboard and sprites. This way text is shifted all the time.

Tom [import]uid: 111283 topic_id: 6060 reply_id: 85299[/import]

I misunderstood. Thought you were saying it was always shifted.

This sounds like a bug with storyboards. Feel free to submit a bug report to Ansca. [import]uid: 16734 topic_id: 6060 reply_id: 85303[/import]

already have done it and i hope something will be done by Ansca. Basically sprites + xOrigin + storyboard + transition does not work well.

Tom [import]uid: 111283 topic_id: 6060 reply_id: 85305[/import]