Bluetooth controller support?

Hi, I was a PAID member back on 2011, my company was trying to develop an iOS + android apps for our Golf training device. The device used Bluetooth to communicate with our apps, we were disappointed with Corona has no Bluetooth support by that time. Two years later we look back to Corona, and seems like nothing has changed….

We will have more hardware+smartphone projects in the next few months, we would like to know if corona can support any wifi hardware at the moment? For example, use wifi directly control the hardware  or use wifi thought a router/hub then control the harder? Thanks

elabguy - supporting bluetooth or wifi is doable via Corona Enterprise. But is not yet supported in Corona SDK. We have done lots of other things, but this has not yet risen to the top.

We did add support for game controllers, keyboards and mice over Bluetooth as part of the OUYA deployment earlier this summer, so if your devices are HID compliant they might work on Android. 

Do you know if these are HID devices?


We are using Bluetooth 3.0 +HS , HID is way too slow for us. We need to buffer real time sensor data to the smartphone.

I think this is actually quite possible today. It all depends on your hardware that you are controlling. If you have the capability to serve simple http on your hardware then Corona App can use networking library to connect to it and send commands, receive responses etc. Quite doable as long as you have the flexibility on the hardware design side.