Bug multitouch in html5

try 3319 and do not forget to enable multitouch via system.activate( “multitouch” )


tested with build 3319.multitouch work in android browser but tap event dont work and in ios browser  touch and tap event dont work.

Do you have a URL to your app/game?


This is my game URL: https://allgamehtml5.000webhostapp.com/Monkey%20Jumping/

or try this code

system.activate( "multitouch" ) local rectA = display.newRect( 200, 200, 200, 200 ); rectA.name = "A" local rectB = display.newRect( 800, 200, 200, 200 ); rectB.name = "B" rectB:setFillColor( 1, 0, 0 ) local function tapControl( event ) local btn = event.target; if(event.phase == "began") then print( "tapControl", event.id, btn.name ) display.getCurrentStage():setFocus(btn, event.id); btn.hasFocus = true; btn.xScaleBefor, btn.yScaleBefor = btn.xScale, btn.yScale; btn:scale( 0.9, 0.9 ); elseif(btn.hasFocus) then if ( event.phase == "ended" or event.phase == "cancelled" ) then btn.xScale = btn.xScaleBefor; btn.yScale = btn.yScaleBefor; display.getCurrentStage():setFocus(btn, nil); btn.hasFocus = false; end end return true; end local function tapNew( event ) local btn = event.target; if(event.phase == "began") then print( "tapNew", event.id, btn.name ) display.getCurrentStage():setFocus(btn, event.id); btn.hasFocus = true; btn.xScaleBefor, btn.yScaleBefor = btn.xScale, btn.yScale; btn:scale( 0.9, 0.9 ); elseif(btn.hasFocus) then if ( event.phase == "ended" or event.phase == "cancelled" ) then btn.xScale = btn.xScaleBefor; btn.yScale = btn.yScaleBefor; display.getCurrentStage():setFocus(btn, nil); btn.hasFocus = false; end end return true; end rectA:addEventListener( "touch", tapControl ) rectB:addEventListener( "touch", tapNew ) local rectC = display.newRect( 1200, 600, 200, 200 ); rectC.name = "C" local txtTap = display.newText( "Tap Event", rectC.x, rectC.y ) txtTap:setFillColor( black ) rectC:addEventListener( "tap", function( event ) print( event.target.name ) end )

Our engineers are working on the problem.


Is this related to an HTML5 issue that I seem to be encountering (in version 3319): event.id is always nil in my touch events regardless of whether multitouch is on or off.

We are prepping a public build and gotta get the bugs out.