I have tried uninstalling 2019.3514 by first deauthorising then uninstalling it. Then updated to JDK to 12.0.2. Installed 2019.3512 but I am getting that new build error 1 https://pastebin.com/M0vUZQG2 and I remember that before, if I would build from C drive it would work and didn’t build only when project was in D drive. Now the build doesn’t work at all, even for the sample codes.
I have tried to build with 2019.3510 which used to give successful build of sample codes in C drive but now it is not building giving similar error https://pastebin.com/g4W6WJxJ.
I think something broke when I installed corona 2019.3514 and right now I can’t revert back. I have also uninstalled Android studio just to see if there any conflicts or not and deleted the .gradle file and tried to remove coronalabs folder from local data after uninstalling corona but when I reinstall I see that corona simulator remembers the last projects opened. How can I completely remove corona and any related files so that I can reinstall corona as fresh copy.
I will be away until 16th Aug, after that I will try to implement if any suggestions are given. Thanks in advance.
I have tried building with 2019.3519 and here is the build error I get now https://pastebin.com/CqwEV9MA.
I have installed Android studio 3.5, JDK is 12.0.2. I have tried building a sample project called frame animation but it failed. I have also tried with vpn to check for network issue but still the error is the same.
Please any help about this would be a great help to me. Currently I can’t build any app to publish since one of my app has been flagged and needs to be re uploaded with updated appodeal.
Can you output/save your build to your C drive instead of your D drive?