cant figure out why

You are using wrong quotation marks: “HelveticaNeue” etc…
Change them to ".
Your level1.lua file is full of them (menu.lua looks ok) [import]uid: 101952 topic_id: 30033 reply_id: 120345[/import]

change them to what? lol I will change anything to get rid of that error code. [import]uid: 69302 topic_id: 30033 reply_id: 120346[/import]

put it on drop box and share it with me rob at robmiracle dot com and I’ll see what I can do. But Paul_G offered to look at it first, so it would be best if you tried to work out something with him.

[import]uid: 19626 topic_id: 30033 reply_id: 121045[/import]


search/replace “ into "
search/replace ” into " [import]uid: 101952 topic_id: 30033 reply_id: 120349[/import]

Im sorry but I am not understanding what you mean by search/replace into [import]uid: 69302 topic_id: 30033 reply_id: 120350[/import]

The level1.lua code has syntax errors. You are using wrong blockquotes.

For example, line 43 of your code looks like:
local font = “HelveticaNeue” or native .systemFont;

“HelveticaNeue” is surronded with “ on the left and ” on the right side. Can you see them?

These are wrong chars for a string definition. You should use double-quote instead: "
(it is shift-2 on win keyboard or just simply copy/paste them into your code)

So, after fixing, your line 43 should be:
local font = “HelveticaNeue” or native .systemFont;

“HelveticaNeue” and “HelveticaNeue” are not the same! (the second one is correct)

There are other lines with the same error:
45, 52, 53, 54 (add double quote on the left), 58 [import]uid: 101952 topic_id: 30033 reply_id: 120354[/import]

It looks like your editing in microsoft word or some other word processor that uses smart quotes. These have curls that curl in depending on which side of the word they are on. Programming languages like Lua use ASCII quotes, either single ', or ". In Word and other word processors when you type in ’ or " they convert them to these smart quotes.

To fix this, you need to be in a plain ASCII text editor, like Text Wrangler or Notepad++ (on Windows), select the quote you want to swap out and copy it. Most Replace options are under the Edit menu. You would paste the smart quote in the Find field, type in the regular quote in the replace and then do a replace all.

Repeat that with the end quote and will probably need to repeat for each of the single quotes too.

You can see the right shaped quotes above in the pink colored text in the above code listings. Those have correct quote marks. Any of your strings that are not pink above need the quotes around them replaced with the same quotes as the pink strings. [import]uid: 19626 topic_id: 30033 reply_id: 120380[/import]

Ok guys here is the dropbox link

Ok so what is suppose to happen is that the user clicks on the test button at the bottom of the about us and it takes them to the next screen, then there will be a text field where they enter information, at the bottom of that will be another button (send) to transmit the information. [import]uid: 69302 topic_id: 30033 reply_id: 121088[/import]

Thanks everyone. Now I did everything everyone said now nothing is showing for my app. I am still getting the same error :
The file sandbox for this project is located at the following folder:
(/Users/babybeanie98/Library/Application Support/Corona Simulator/Forgetful Memory-D5AEA21B6F8D16A738949C6F4189395B)
Runtime error
error loading module ‘level1’ from file ‘/Users/babybeanie98/Desktop/Forgetful Memory/level1.lua’:
/Users/babybeanie98/Desktop/Forgetful Memory/level1.lua:42: unexpected symbol near ‘?’
stack traceback:
[C]: ?
[C]: in function ‘error’
?: in function ‘gotoScene’
…Users/babybeanie98/Desktop/Forgetful Memory/menu.lua:23: in function ‘onRelease’
?: in function <?:191>
?: in function <?:226>

menu: I see none of the error it mention

-- menu.lua  
local storyboard = require( "storyboard" )  
local scene = storyboard.newScene()  
-- include Corona's "widget" library  
local widget = require "widget"  
-- forward declarations and other locals  
local playBtn  
-- 'onRelease' event listener for playBtn  
local function onPlayBtnRelease()  
 -- go to level1.lua scene  
 storyboard.gotoScene( "level1", "fade", 500 )  
 return true -- indicates successful touch  
-- NOTE: Code outside of listener functions (below) will only be executed once,  
-- unless storyboard.removeScene() is called.  
-- Called when the scene's view does not exist:  
function scene:createScene( event )  
 local group = self.view  
 -- display a background image  
 --local background = display.newImageRect( "background.jpg", display.contentWidth, display.contentHeight )  
 --background:setReferencePoint( display.TopLeftReferencePoint )  
 --background.x, background.y = 0, 0  
 -- create/position logo/title image on upper-half of the screen  
 --local titleLogo = display.newImageRect( "logo.png", 264, 42 )  
 --titleLogo:setReferencePoint( display.CenterReferencePoint )  
 --titleLogo.x = display.contentWidth \* 0.5  
 --titleLogo.y = 100  
 -- create a widget button (which will loads level1.lua on release)  
 playBtn = widget.newButton{  
 labelColor = { default={255}, over={128} },  
 width=160, height=40,  
 onRelease = onPlayBtnRelease -- event listener function  
 playBtn:setReferencePoint( display.CenterReferencePoint )  
 playBtn.x = display.contentWidth\*0.5  
 playBtn.y = display.contentHeight - 125  
 -- all display objects must be inserted into group  
 --group:insert( background )  
 --group:insert( titleLogo )  
 group:insert( playBtn )  
-- Called immediately after scene has moved onscreen:  
function scene:enterScene( event )  
 local group = self.view  
 -- INSERT code here (e.g. start timers, load audio, start listeners, etc.)  
-- Called when scene is about to move offscreen:  
function scene:exitScene( event )  
 local group = self.view  
 -- INSERT code here (e.g. stop timers, remove listenets, unload sounds, etc.)  
-- If scene's view is removed, scene:destroyScene() will be called just prior to:  
function scene:destroyScene( event )  
 local group = self.view  
 if playBtn then  
 playBtn:removeSelf() -- widgets must be manually removed  
 playBtn = nil  


– “createScene” event is dispatched if scene’s view does not exist
scene:addEventListener( “createScene”, scene )

– “enterScene” event is dispatched whenever scene transition has finished
scene:addEventListener( “enterScene”, scene )

– “exitScene” event is dispatched whenever before next scene’s transition begins
scene:addEventListener( “exitScene”, scene )

– “destroyScene” event is dispatched before view is unloaded, which can be
– automatically unloaded in low memory situations, or explicitly via a call to
– storyboard.purgeScene() or storyboard.removeScene().
scene:addEventListener( “destroyScene”, scene )

return scene
level 1: I see nothing here either.


– menu.lua

local storyboard = require( “storyboard” )
local scene = storyboard.newScene()

– include Corona’s “widget” library
local widget = require “widget”

– forward declarations and other locals
local playBtn

– ‘onRelease’ event listener for playBtn
local function onPlayBtnRelease()

– go to level1.lua scene
storyboard.gotoScene( “level1”, “fade”, 500 )

return true – indicates successful touch


– NOTE: Code outside of listener functions (below) will only be executed once,
– unless storyboard.removeScene() is called.

– Called when the scene’s view does not exist:
function scene:createScene( event )
local group = self.view

– display a background image
–local background = display.newImageRect( “background.jpg”, display.contentWidth, display.contentHeight )
–background:setReferencePoint( display.TopLeftReferencePoint )
–background.x, background.y = 0, 0

– create/position logo/title image on upper-half of the screen
–local titleLogo = display.newImageRect( “logo.png”, 264, 42 )
–titleLogo:setReferencePoint( display.CenterReferencePoint )
–titleLogo.x = display.contentWidth * 0.5
–titleLogo.y = 100

– create a widget button (which will loads level1.lua on release)
playBtn = widget.newButton{
labelColor = { default={255}, over={128} },
width=160, height=40,
onRelease = onPlayBtnRelease – event listener function
playBtn:setReferencePoint( display.CenterReferencePoint )
playBtn.x = display.contentWidth*0.5
playBtn.y = display.contentHeight - 125

– all display objects must be inserted into group
–group:insert( background )
–group:insert( titleLogo )
group:insert( playBtn )

– Called immediately after scene has moved onscreen:
function scene:enterScene( event )
local group = self.view

– INSERT code here (e.g. start timers, load audio, start listeners, etc.)


– Called when scene is about to move offscreen:
function scene:exitScene( event )
local group = self.view

– INSERT code here (e.g. stop timers, remove listenets, unload sounds, etc.)


– If scene’s view is removed, scene:destroyScene() will be called just prior to:
function scene:destroyScene( event )
local group = self.view

if playBtn then
playBtn:removeSelf() – widgets must be manually removed
playBtn = nil
[/code] [import]uid: 69302 topic_id: 30033 reply_id: 120388[/import]

Okay, here are my fixes.

– main.lua –

-- main.lua  
-- hide the status bar  
display.setStatusBar( display.HiddenStatusBar )  
-- include the Corona "storyboard" module  
local storyboard = require "storyboard"  
 -- load menu screen  
storyboard.gotoScene( "menu" )  

Notice I moved all of your things you were creating here to your menu scene. Since your items were not in a display group, they are not being managed by storyboard. main.lua typically holds setup stuff.

– menu.lua

-- menu.lua  
local storyboard = require( "storyboard" )  
local scene = storyboard.newScene()  
-- include Corona's "widget" library  
local widget = require "widget"  
-- forward declarations and other locals  
local playBtn  
-- 'onRelease' event listener for playBtn  
local function onPlayBtnRelease()  
 print("goto scene")  
 -- go to level1.lua scene  
 storyboard.gotoScene( "level1")  
 return true -- indicates successful touch  
-- NOTE: Code outside of listener functions (below) will only be executed once,  
-- unless storyboard.removeScene() is called.  
-- Called when the scene's view does not exist:  
function scene:createScene( event )  
 local group = self.view  
 local background = display.newRect(0,0,display.contentWidth,display.contentHeight)  
 local myText1= display.newText("ABOUT US", 0, 0, native.systemFont, 32)  
 --myText1.text = "Or you can change the text here"  
 myText1.x = display.contentWidth /2;  
 myText1.y = display.contentHeight /6;  
 myText1:setTextColor(255, 0, 0)  
 local myText2= display.newText("this simply a test", 0, 0,200, 200, native.systemFont, 16)  
 myText2.x = display.contentWidth /2;  
 myText2.y = myText1.y + myText1.contentHeight /2 + myText2.contentHeight /2;  
 myText2:setTextColor(255, 255, 255)   
 -- create a widget button (which will loads level1.lua on release)  
 playBtn = widget.newButton{  
 labelColor = { default={255}, over={128} },  
 width=160, height=40,  
 onRelease = onPlayBtnRelease -- event listener function  
 playBtn:setReferencePoint( display.CenterReferencePoint )  
 playBtn.x = display.contentWidth\*0.5  
 playBtn.y = display.contentHeight - 125  
 -- all display objects must be inserted into group  
 --group:insert( background )  
 --group:insert( titleLogo )  
 group:insert( playBtn )  
-- Called immediately after scene has moved onscreen:  
function scene:enterScene( event )  
 local group = self.view  
 -- INSERT code here (e.g. start timers, load audio, start listeners, etc.)  
-- Called when scene is about to move offscreen:  
function scene:exitScene( event )  
 local group = self.view  
 -- INSERT code here (e.g. stop timers, remove listenets, unload sounds, etc.)  
-- If scene's view is removed, scene:destroyScene() will be called just prior to:  
function scene:destroyScene( event )  
 local group = self.view  
 if playBtn then  
 playBtn:removeSelf() -- widgets must be manually removed  
 playBtn = nil  
-- "createScene" event is dispatched if scene's view does not exist  
scene:addEventListener( "createScene", scene )  
-- "enterScene" event is dispatched whenever scene transition has finished  
scene:addEventListener( "enterScene", scene )  
-- "exitScene" event is dispatched whenever before next scene's transition begins  
scene:addEventListener( "exitScene", scene )  
-- "destroyScene" event is dispatched before view is unloaded, which can be  
-- automatically unloaded in low memory situations, or explicitly via a call to  
-- storyboard.purgeScene() or storyboard.removeScene().  
scene:addEventListener( "destroyScene", scene )  

Basically I just moved your display bits here. Everything else was pretty much unchanged.

– level1.lua –

local storyboard = require( "storyboard" )  
local scene = storyboard.newScene()  
-- NOTE: Code outside of listener functions (below) will only be executed once,  
-- unless storyboard.removeScene() is called.  
-- Called when the scene's view does not exist:  
function scene:createScene( event )  
 local group = self.view  
 -- create a grey rectangle as the backdrop  
 local bg = display.newRect( 0, 0, display.contentWidth, display.contentHeight )  
 bg:setFillColor( 255 )  
 bg.x = display.contentWidth \* 0.5;  
 bg.y = display.contentHeight \* 0.5;  
 local font = native.systemFont;  
 local label = display.newText("Tap here to send a text", 0, 0, font, 18) ;  
 label:setTextColor(0, 0, 0) ;   
 label.x = display.contentWidth \* 0.5;  
 label.y = display.contentHeight \* 0.5;  
 --label.x = \_W \* 0.5;  
 --label.y = \_H - 50;  
 function label:tap(e)  
 native.showAlert("Tapped","Got Here",{"Ok"})  
 body = "I sent this text from my app",  
 --to = {"5550000000"} -- or "5550000000" if this doesn't work  
 }) ;  
 label:addEventListener("tap", label);  
-- "createScene" event is dispatched if scene's view does not exist  
scene:addEventListener( "createScene", scene )  
-- "enterScene" event is dispatched whenever scene transition has finished  
scene:addEventListener( "enterScene", scene )  
-- "exitScene" event is dispatched whenever before next scene's transition begins  
scene:addEventListener( "exitScene", scene )  
-- "destroyScene" event is dispatched before view is unloaded, which can be  
-- automatically unloaded in low memory situations, or explicitly via a call to  
-- storyboard.purgeScene() or storyboard.removeScene().  
scene:addEventListener( "destroyScene", scene )  
return scene  

There are several errors in here still. The error you were experiencing was a mis-placed “end”. You’re createScene() had a commented out end and there was an end at the very end of the file. This kind of error will typically throw and error that is bogus.

You were also creating a 0x0 background and passing screenW and screenH as unecessary parameters. I fixed that.

You were also dividing the width by 0.5 which is really the same as multiplying by 2 which was pushing your content off the screen.

[import]uid: 19626 topic_id: 30033 reply_id: 121094[/import]

You posted the same file two times… [import]uid: 101952 topic_id: 30033 reply_id: 120390[/import]



-- menu.lua  
local storyboard = require( "storyboard" )  
local scene = storyboard.newScene()  
-- include Corona's "widget" library  
local widget = require "widget"  
-- forward declarations and other locals  
local playBtn  
-- 'onRelease' event listener for playBtn  
local function onPlayBtnRelease()  
 -- go to level1.lua scene  
 storyboard.gotoScene( "level1", "fade", 500 )  
 return true -- indicates successful touch  
-- NOTE: Code outside of listener functions (below) will only be executed once,  
-- unless storyboard.removeScene() is called.  
-- Called when the scene's view does not exist:  
function scene:createScene( event )  
 local group = self.view  
 -- display a background image  
 --local background = display.newImageRect( "background.jpg", display.contentWidth, display.contentHeight )  
 --background:setReferencePoint( display.TopLeftReferencePoint )  
 --background.x, background.y = 0, 0  
 -- create/position logo/title image on upper-half of the screen  
 --local titleLogo = display.newImageRect( "logo.png", 264, 42 )  
 --titleLogo:setReferencePoint( display.CenterReferencePoint )  
 --titleLogo.x = display.contentWidth \* 0.5  
 --titleLogo.y = 100  
 -- create a widget button (which will loads level1.lua on release)  
 playBtn = widget.newButton{  
 labelColor = { default={255}, over={128} },  
 width=160, height=40,  
 onRelease = onPlayBtnRelease -- event listener function  
 playBtn:setReferencePoint( display.CenterReferencePoint )  
 playBtn.x = display.contentWidth\*0.5  
 playBtn.y = display.contentHeight - 125  
 -- all display objects must be inserted into group  
 --group:insert( background )  
 --group:insert( titleLogo )  
 group:insert( playBtn )  
-- Called immediately after scene has moved onscreen:  
function scene:enterScene( event )  
 local group = self.view  
 -- INSERT code here (e.g. start timers, load audio, start listeners, etc.)  
-- Called when scene is about to move offscreen:  
function scene:exitScene( event )  
 local group = self.view  
 -- INSERT code here (e.g. stop timers, remove listenets, unload sounds, etc.)  
-- If scene's view is removed, scene:destroyScene() will be called just prior to:  
function scene:destroyScene( event )  
 local group = self.view  
 if playBtn then  
 playBtn:removeSelf() -- widgets must be manually removed  
 playBtn = nil  
-- "createScene" event is dispatched if scene's view does not exist  
scene:addEventListener( "createScene", scene )  
-- "enterScene" event is dispatched whenever scene transition has finished  
scene:addEventListener( "enterScene", scene )  
-- "exitScene" event is dispatched whenever before next scene's transition begins  
scene:addEventListener( "exitScene", scene )  
-- "destroyScene" event is dispatched before view is unloaded, which can be  
-- automatically unloaded in low memory situations, or explicitly via a call to  
-- storyboard.purgeScene() or storyboard.removeScene().  
scene:addEventListener( "destroyScene", scene )  
return scene  




local storyboard = require( “storyboard” )
local scene = storyboard.newScene()


– NOTE: Code outside of listener functions (below) will only be executed once,
– unless storyboard.removeScene() is called.

– Called when the scene’s view does not exist:
function scene:createScene( event )
local group = self.view

– create a grey rectangle as the backdrop
local background = display.newRect( 0, 0, screenW, screenH )
background:setFillColor( 255 )

local font = “HelveticaNeue” or native.systemFont;

local label =display.newText(“Tap here to send a text”, 0, 0, font, 18) ;
label:setReferncePoint(display.CenterReferencePoint) ;
label:setTextColor(0, 0, 0) ;
label.x = _W * 0.5;
label.y = _H – 50;

function label:tap(e)
body = “I sent this text from my app”,
to = {5550000000}
}) ;

label:addEventListner(“tap”, label);


– “createScene” event is dispatched if scene’s view does not exist
scene:addEventListener( “createScene”, scene )

– “enterScene” event is dispatched whenever scene transition has finished
scene:addEventListener( “enterScene”, scene )

– “exitScene” event is dispatched whenever before next scene’s transition begins
scene:addEventListener( “exitScene”, scene )

– “destroyScene” event is dispatched before view is unloaded, which can be
– automatically unloaded in low memory situations, or explicitly via a call to
– storyboard.purgeScene() or storyboard.removeScene().
scene:addEventListener( “destroyScene”, scene )

return scene
[/code] [import]uid: 69302 topic_id: 30033 reply_id: 120392[/import]

Your scene:createScene( event ) function is not closed.

Add “end” (without quotes :slight_smile: after “label:addEventListner(“tap”, label);” (line 42) [import]uid: 101952 topic_id: 30033 reply_id: 120396[/import]

on line 33 above, you have another special character. The dash between _H and the 50 is an “mdash” not an ASCII hyphen. erase it and put in a regular “-” and you should be good to go.

Though when I tried to run the module through Lua’s processor it complained that you are missing an “end” somewhere. So you are likely to hit that as well.

You are missing the “end” for the createScene function. [import]uid: 19626 topic_id: 30033 reply_id: 120397[/import]

I dont know I am still getting the exact same error even after making the changes suggested. but I am not certain where to put the “end” createScene function on which one [import]uid: 69302 topic_id: 30033 reply_id: 120402[/import]

local storyboard = require( "storyboard" )  
local scene = storyboard.newScene()  
-- NOTE: Code outside of listener functions (below) will only be executed once,  
-- unless storyboard.removeScene() is called.  
-- Called when the scene's view does not exist:  
function scene:createScene( event )  
 local group = self.view  
 -- create a grey rectangle as the backdrop  
 local background = display.newRect( 0, 0, screenW, screenH )  
 background:setFillColor( 255 )  
local font = "HelveticaNeue" or native.systemFont;  
local label =display.newText("Tap here to send a text", 0, 0, font, 18) ;  
label:setReferncePoint(display.CenterReferencePoint) ;  
label:setTextColor(0, 0, 0) ;   
label.x = \_W \* 0.5;  
label.y = \_H - 50;  
function label:tap(e)  
 body = "I sent this text from my app",  
 to = {5550000000}  
}) ;  
label:addEventListner("tap", label);  
-- \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*  
-- this is the "end" that is missing  
-- \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*  
-- "createScene" event is dispatched if scene's view does not exist  
scene:addEventListener( "createScene", scene )  
-- "enterScene" event is dispatched whenever scene transition has finished  
scene:addEventListener( "enterScene", scene )  
-- "exitScene" event is dispatched whenever before next scene's transition begins  
scene:addEventListener( "exitScene", scene )  
-- "destroyScene" event is dispatched before view is unloaded, which can be  
-- automatically unloaded in low memory situations, or explicitly via a call to  
-- storyboard.purgeScene() or storyboard.removeScene().  
scene:addEventListener( "destroyScene", scene )  
return scene  

[import]uid: 19626 topic_id: 30033 reply_id: 120403[/import]

what does it want me to do on release? when I comment it out I get no error, but at the same time the button doesn’t work anymore. [import]uid: 69302 topic_id: 30033 reply_id: 120404[/import]

but I have added the end since you pointed it out. but the error is in reference to onrelease and go to scene. and I only get the error if I dont comment out on release on the menu.lua file [import]uid: 69302 topic_id: 30033 reply_id: 120407[/import]

What error message are you getting now? [import]uid: 19626 topic_id: 30033 reply_id: 120409[/import]

I am still getting the same one I originally posted:
/Users/babybeanie98/Desktop/Forgetful Memory/level1.lua:34: unexpected symbol near ‘?’
stack traceback:
[C]: ?
[C]: in function ‘error’
?: in function ‘gotoScene’
…Users/babybeanie98/Desktop/Forgetful Memory/menu.lua:22: in function ‘onRelease’
?: in function <?:191>
?: in function <?:226>

If I comment it the onRelease out. then the error goes away but then when I click on the button is does nothing.
[import]uid: 69302 topic_id: 30033 reply_id: 120414[/import]