Certificate not installed, can't build for IOS

Its pretty easy to either a) misspell compatibility or B) put it at the wrong place in your config.lua, or c) have other errors in your config.lua that’s preventing it from getting set.


graphicsCompatibility = 1,

to your config.lua in the same block of code where you set the width and height (don’t forget the comma! or comma’s on previous lines)


Weird… My problem is still present.

I use two computers. They both have MacOSX 10.9.4 , XCode 5.1.1 , CoronaSDK 2014.2417

There are no spaces in the project path.

On one computer I can build projects, on the other I can’t - I still get the following error:

Copyright © 2009-2014  C o r o n a   L a b s   I n c .

2014-09-08 10:21:10.268 Corona Simulator[6535:507] Version: 3.0.0

2014-09-08 10:21:10.268 Corona Simulator[6535:507] Build: 2014.2417

2014-09-08 10:21:10.322 Corona Simulator[6535:507] Platform: iPhone / x86_64 / 10.9 / Intel HD Graphics 5000 OpenGL Engine / 2.1 INTEL-8.28.30 / 2014.2417

2014-09-08 10:21:10.385 Corona Simulator[6535:507] The file sandbox for this project is located at the following folder:

(/Users/silverthorax/Library/Application Support/Corona Simulator/widgets-A07B85961952A47A515FC10B855C314E)

2014-09-08 10:21:16.882 Corona Simulator[6535:507] Using Custom Build Id 00000

Created XCENT: /var/folders/11/bmcm_ld13zjc6gnvlgj7kfpw0000gn/T/CLtmp3jGqGg/entitlements.xcent

Creating Info.plist…

Usage: plistutil -i|–infile in_file.plist -o|–outfile out_file.plist [–debug]

-i or --infile: The file to read in.

-o or --outfile: The file to convert to.

-d, -v or --debug: Provide extended debug information.

Error: failed to load /tmp/lua_KfsRlZ: 1


2014-09-08 10:21:33.294 Corona Simulator[6535:507] Runtime error

?:0: attempt to index a nil value

stack traceback:

?: in function ‘modifyPlist’

?: in function ‘?’

?: in function <?:636>

I use the same Apple developer account on both computers (exported from XCode on the computer that can build and imported on the other).

I don’t understand what I can be doing wrong.  :frowning:

On the one that’s not working what is the result of the following command typed into a terminal session:

xcode-select --print-path

You might also want to try uninstalling Xcode completely and re-install it.   Be aware that tomorrow is Apple’s big announce day and their servers are likely going to be slammed with people downloading XCode 6, iOS 8 and OS-X 10.10.


Thank you Rob for the fast answer.

On both computers the command returns “/Applications/XCode.app/Contents/Developer”

I had already reinstalled XCode completely on the computer that won’t build.

Maybe I will have better luck with Xcode6.

Apart from this Xcode upgrade and a full OS re-install, I have no other ideas.

Do you have this problem trying to build the hello world sample app?

Apologies for bumping, but I’ve been having the same issue with build 2393a. I’m used to Windows rather than OSX, but here’s some more details:

  1. I’ve tried deleting the files from the Keychain, plus the provisioning profile in my Library\MobileDevice… folder, then downloading & installing them again.

  2. Deleting & re-installing Corona from the Applications folder didn’t seem to help much. Have I missed anything that could be causing this?

The actual error message in the terminal is as follows:

2014-10-25 17:27:28.160 Corona Simulator[555:507] WARNING: Could not find certificate for identity (iPhone Distribution: ....) whose user id is: ... &nbsp; (/Users/.../Provisioning Profiles/...mobileprovision)

In the build UI, the provisioning profile is visible but greyed out, cannot be selected, and has (Certificate not installed) before it.

Since you’re using 2393a, this isn’t due to the change in provisioning profiles.  It’s very likely the Certificate isn’t installed correctly.  Have you tried to use Xcode to login and setup your developer information?  Also a reboot after deleting everything has helped some people as well.


Fix it.

I went to apple developer site

revoked my distrubution certificate and recreated it.

This makes the provisional profiles invalid.

Go to the one you want click edit and link it to the new certificate.

I had the same problem, greyed out provisional profile.

I went to apple developer revoked my certificate and made a new one.

The provisional profiles become invalid.

Edit them and link the new certficate.

This worked for me

Apologies for bumping, but I’ve been having the same issue with build 2393a. I’m used to Windows rather than OSX, but here’s some more details:

  1. I’ve tried deleting the files from the Keychain, plus the provisioning profile in my Library\MobileDevice… folder, then downloading & installing them again.

  2. Deleting & re-installing Corona from the Applications folder didn’t seem to help much. Have I missed anything that could be causing this?

The actual error message in the terminal is as follows:

2014-10-25 17:27:28.160 Corona Simulator[555:507] WARNING: Could not find certificate for identity (iPhone Distribution: ....) whose user id is: ... &nbsp; (/Users/.../Provisioning Profiles/...mobileprovision)

In the build UI, the provisioning profile is visible but greyed out, cannot be selected, and has (Certificate not installed) before it.

Since you’re using 2393a, this isn’t due to the change in provisioning profiles.  It’s very likely the Certificate isn’t installed correctly.  Have you tried to use Xcode to login and setup your developer information?  Also a reboot after deleting everything has helped some people as well.


What version of Corona SDK are you using?

I am using corona 2014.2511

It sounds like you are working now, correct?


Now it works, I just posted what I did, in case people have a similar problem.

Fix it.

I went to apple developer site

revoked my distrubution certificate and recreated it.

This makes the provisional profiles invalid.

Go to the one you want click edit and link it to the new certificate.

I had the same problem, greyed out provisional profile.

I went to apple developer revoked my certificate and made a new one.

The provisional profiles become invalid.

Edit them and link the new certficate.

This worked for me

What version of Corona SDK are you using?

I am using corona 2014.2511

It sounds like you are working now, correct?
