City and State from GPS

Shouldn’t this work for you?

If you don’t want to show the map, draw it off screen.


Thanks, I will try out how the performance is with loading the map offscreen. 

Any way to retrieve the state too?




event.region seems to map to state

 Hey Rob,

I came to this post after searching on google about this feature, but I get a problem when i draw the map off screen.
While the map is inside the screen, i can get the parameter. When i move it outside the screen, it always returns nothing. Any ideas why this is happening?

I’m not sure, but instead of pushing it off screen, what happens if you set it’s .isVisible property to false (or .alpha = 0)?


 Hey Rob,

I came to this post after searching on google about this feature, but I get a problem when i draw the map off screen.
While the map is inside the screen, i can get the parameter. When i move it outside the screen, it always returns nothing. Any ideas why this is happening?

I’m not sure, but instead of pushing it off screen, what happens if you set it’s .isVisible property to false (or .alpha = 0)?
