Coding help please!

The “list of codes” is the API in resources, though I’d advice against starting there.

First thoroughly read the new users start here docs until you understand what’s going on. Also work your way through the beginner samples. Run them in the simulator, see what they do, and they open up the main.lua files to see how they’re coded. Some are well commented explaining exactly what’s going on at each line of code. I think it’s the best way to learn.

Only after you have a decent grasp of the basics, start doing your own stuff. [import]uid: 10835 topic_id: 5205 reply_id: 17583[/import]

okay. I went through all the example… now im trying my own thing…

here is the code i have so far… just a image… it doesnt fit the screen though… what should i do?

My code so far:

myImage = display.newImage( “background-16.jpg” ) [import]uid: 19141 topic_id: 5205 reply_id: 17599[/import]

I went through all the example

Nothing personal, but I don’t believe you. There is no way you could have gone through all the new user docs and samples and still not know how the newImage() command works.

I like helping people, I really do; look at the answers I provide people who post in the newcomers forum. But when I see someone so obviously not paying any attention to the literally reams of help documentation provided here, by both Ansca and by users, I get a little steamed. [import]uid: 12108 topic_id: 5205 reply_id: 17617[/import]

jhocking, your right, i didnt go thru them all… i skipped a bunch, not on purpose though!!
I cant figure out how to change a pictures size!! I keep looking through all the tutorials, but just cant get to the right one!
[import]uid: 19141 topic_id: 5205 reply_id: 17664[/import]

Edit your images in Photoshop, not in Corona. [import]uid: 12108 topic_id: 5205 reply_id: 17678[/import]

ok! thanks!! [import]uid: 19141 topic_id: 5205 reply_id: 17808[/import]