Yeah I emailed them, sorry I shouldn’t have posted these to this thread, got carried away due to getting plugin’s working in Corona Native
I just noticed that we still need macOS to work with native code. Are there any plans to support Windows(for Android) anytime soon?
@ bgmadclown What do you consider “supporting Windows”? You can already build a DLL and dump it in the Plugins folder, which you can pinpoint by printing
system.pathForFile("", system.PluginsDirectory))
If you mean for it to become a plugin, put it in a subfolder as plugins/whatever.dll , otherwise right there as plugin_whatever.dll. Make sure to export a function like
CORONA\_EXPORT int luaopen\_plugin\_whatever (lua\_State \* L) { lua\_newtable(L); // whatever // STUFF! return 1; }
(this code will be the same on the other platforms, if you decide just to go all-out C or C++) and you can then require it as
local whatever = require("plugin.whatever")
I suspect somebody with some spare time and know-how could work out the Android end of things, e.g. taking the .sh files and converting them to .bat. A bit of a chore, though. If anybody is aware of issues I’m overlooking, feel free to correct me here, as I’d like to know more myself.
@StarCrunch, according to ( we can only use Enterprise(or native code in Corona) on macOS. I was asking for Windows support to use Enterprise.
Oh, I missed that. Thank you Scott.
Hello and thank you,
Please explain more. Is export for android free? What exactly has been added?
Where to download it?
Thank you very much.
Edited By forghaniir.
Hello @forghaniir. Everything should have been explained here:
Prior to Thursday, Corona offered two (well three) products: Corona SDK – where you build with the simulator. Corona Enterprise – where you build using either Xcode or Android Studio. And CoronaCards our way to let you include Corona based mini-apps in existing native projects. CoronaCards is untouched, so I won’t discuss it in the rest of this since it wasn’t impacted.
Corona SDK has been free for some time and you have always been able to export Android apps with it.
Corona Enterprise was a paid product and of course you could build Android apps with it. This is now free as well.
For Simulator users, nothing much is changing from what you could or could not do. However, you do now have access to use native build tools to build your apps instead of the simulator. Most people won’t need to do this because our simulator builds do all the work for you. We anticipate that people who want native builds are those who need to add in features that the simulator currently doesn’t support, or has needs to do offline or command line builds for various reasons. So depending on how you use Corona this could be huge news or maybe just a passing note.
In the process we are dropping the names SDK and Enterprise and calling the combined project just “Corona”. When you download a daily build, it will be one download and the native extensions are now in a folder named “Native” in the package that gets installed on your computer (Macs: /Applications/Corona/Native Win32: C:\Program Files (x86)\Corona\Native ). Note native builds are not supported on Windows. It’s currently a Mac only feature. However, if you are building Windows desktop builds, you can use it to build .dll’s to extend the desktop builds with native features.
You download it from the Daily Builds page:
Hi, just a quick question to clarify:
This means I can’t build off-line on Windows?
In case I don’t need to compile any native code, but just be able to build android apps while offline.
About the Antivirus issue: I just ignored the messages from Nod32 (assuming is a false positive) and Corona simulator installed correctly.
Hi Denys.
That is correct. We don’t have everything together yet to do Android builds offline. On Windows, it’s just the ability to build .dll files for desktop apps. I’ll see if I can find out what our plans are for bringing Android native builds to Windows.
From our research only Nod32 is flagging it making it likely a false positive, It’s coming from a 3rd party library and we have reached out to them to let them know just in case.
Hello and thank you @Rob Miracle ,
Can not use Corona Enterprise in Windows?
Is export for android completely free? So why the name of Corona at the beginning of the program?
Thank you very much.
(Sorry, my English is not good.)
1.corona Native( corona entepise) on Windows only allows you to make windows plugins.
Android export? You can build for android via corona simulator( which all code is writen in lua). If you want to build via android studio you need a Mac.
My theory is that Corona was called Corona SDK to avoid confusion with beer company Corona. Idk why they are changing it now.
Hello and thank you @Rob Miracle ,
Can not use Corona Enterprise in Windows?
You cannot use Corona’s native extensions (was Enterprise) to use Android Studio to build Android apps on Windows. You **can** use Corona’s native extensions to build extensions for Win32 desktop builds. You can use Corona’s simulator with Lua to build Android apps. You just can’t add native extensions. That requires building on a Mac.
Is export for android completely free? So why the name of Corona at the beginning of the program?
Do you mean the splash screen? It’s pretty simple. It costs us to make Corona for you. We know you want the product to be free to use. In exchange for making the product free, we ask you to help market us via a brief splash screen at the beginning of your app. You get to use Corona for free. We get to grow our brand awareness. If you don’t want to help with our brand awareness, then you have the option to buy the Splash Screen Control plugin.
Hello ,
I downloaded new Corona. When I run the simulator, this error occurred:
Have you tried to uninstall and reinstall?
It was also a problem with CoronaSDK 2017.3086 (Now with Corona 2017.3103).
I even reinstalled Windows, but failed.
Please help, thank you.
@forghaniir, can you start a new thread with this issue? I don’t want to hijack this thread and a fresh thread on this specific problem will help our engineers to avoid wading through a long, unrelated conversation.
It’s not always about helping Corona with their brand awareness, I have clients who want their own splash screens or they are corporate clients who don’t want to see "Made with … " (Corona, Unity etc.)
This is why we have the optional and very fairly priced Splash Screen Control plugin.
Hello and thank you ,
The problem was solved!
I searched and found the solution. The process is as follows:
Go to the location of the corona.
Right-click on the Corona Simulator.exe file and select Properties.
Go to the Security tab.
Change permissions for all Administrators , Users and System to Allow Full control.
Click the OK button.
And restart the computer.
Source: (slightly changed)
Edited: Error reappeared.