I don’t use self hosted plugins in production myself, however I did test it last year and they worked fine.
I followed the instructions here: http://docs.coronalabs.com/native/hostedPlugin.html
I highly recommend you name your plugins to a more meaningful name of what the plugin does. (not just plugin.library)
As an example, my Chartboost plugins are named:
for iOS:
for Android:
The metadata for these looks like this:
local metadata = { plugin = { format = "staticLibrary", -- This is the name without the 'lib' prefix. -- In this case, the static library is called: libSTATIC\_LIB\_NAME.a staticLibs = { "Chartboost" }, frameworks = { "AdSupport", "StoreKit", "Foundation", "CoreGraphics", "UIKit" }, frameworksOptional = {}, } } return metadata
local metadata = { plugin = { format = 'jar', manifest = { permissions = {}, usesPermissions = { "android.permission.INTERNET", "android.permission.ACCESS\_NETWORK\_STATE", "android.permission.ACCESS\_WIFI\_STATE" }, usesFeatures = { } } } } return metadata