Corona Profiler

Hello eakpromer,

Thanks for your interest. You can purchase and learn more about Corona Profiler here:

Please let us know if you have any questions.


M.Y. Developers

How to use and buy?

Hello eakpromer,

Thanks for your interest. You can purchase and learn more about Corona Profiler here:

Please let us know if you have any questions.


M.Y. Developers

Hi M.Y developers,

I am using it for the first time, its taking very long time to perform its operation. That too when enable mode 4 its takes at least 30 min to debug. Why is this happening . Its not specific , that which line causes the problem . Where can i get the detailed support for this ?


Kumar KS

Hi M.Y Developers ,

Can i test the memory leak and other problems, while running my game ? Or it will always show at the beginning of the game.

Is there any way to check my performance at run time?


Kumar KS

Hello Kumarks,

Can i test the memory leak and other problems, while running my game ?

Yes. Please use the delay functionality to start profiling after a number of milliseconds. This will give you time to go through your menus and enter your main game loop. Please refer to the documentation to do this.


M.Y. Developers


I have tried the same way, but the is no change in the result ?


Kumar KS

Hello Kumarks,

It might be that the profiler overhead is just too much. Have you tried confirming that your code even has a memory leak? Please confirm that first before you begin hunting for a source. There should be a steady increase in your memory usage over time, not just the normal sawtooth GC pattern.


M.Y. Developers

Hi M.Y developers,

I am using it for the first time, its taking very long time to perform its operation. That too when enable mode 4 its takes at least 30 min to debug. Why is this happening . Its not specific , that which line causes the problem . Where can i get the detailed support for this ?


Kumar KS

Hi M.Y Developers ,

Can i test the memory leak and other problems, while running my game ? Or it will always show at the beginning of the game.

Is there any way to check my performance at run time?


Kumar KS

Hello Kumarks,

Can i test the memory leak and other problems, while running my game ?

Yes. Please use the delay functionality to start profiling after a number of milliseconds. This will give you time to go through your menus and enter your main game loop. Please refer to the documentation to do this.


M.Y. Developers


I have tried the same way, but the is no change in the result ?


Kumar KS

Hello Kumarks,

It might be that the profiler overhead is just too much. Have you tried confirming that your code even has a memory leak? Please confirm that first before you begin hunting for a source. There should be a steady increase in your memory usage over time, not just the normal sawtooth GC pattern.


M.Y. Developers


Where can i find the documentation to the profiler ? 


Kumar KS.


  I am new to this corona profiler, im trying to fix FPS drops, corona profiler taking too much time to load and its getting halt after sometime, can anyone help me ?



 Where is the documentation for profiler, and whats the difference b/w mode 1,2,3,4 ?

Just now i checked it out, documentation is there along with the purchase.


Where can i find the documentation to the profiler ? 


Kumar KS.


  I am new to this corona profiler, im trying to fix FPS drops, corona profiler taking too much time to load and its getting halt after sometime, can anyone help me ?



 Where is the documentation for profiler, and whats the difference b/w mode 1,2,3,4 ?