Corona Remote - Accelerometer in Simulator - Released

universal build is coming on the next drop.

also while I agree that we should have built the tool, We, as in Ansca, want to foster 3rd party developers to create add-ons for Corona. If we do everything ourselves, we hinder development growth and a healthy eco-system where everyone benefits.

Matthew approached us with the idea not long ago, and I thought it would be a very good feature to have.

And I think that the way it should be looked at, is, wow, these guys are doing tools for Corona, that means Corona has staying power, and quite frankly, who knows, maybe, one of these days, it could be that some third party tool gets integrated into Corona. And that tool could be yours. Who knows, that is the way thing happens sometimes…

Thank you again Matt, and our other 3rd party developers for supporting Corona.


  • :wink: [import]uid: 24 topic_id: 4773 reply_id: 15351[/import]

Ive uploaded a youtube video as requested. It shows 1 simulator running Corona Remote with another simulator on a different computer ( through screen sharing ) running the remote.lua file and receiving the data. Im simulating the accelerometer input in this version as everything is running in Corona Simulator. [import]uid: 5354 topic_id: 4773 reply_id: 15357[/import]

could you make the video where you’re actually holding the device so we can see how passing data from an actual game would look like?

I think $9.99 might be a bit too much, but if it’ll help test accelerometer and ‘touch/tap’ events on our games, I think it’ll be worth it.

sorry for the dumb questions, I just don’t quite get how this really works =S
RD [import]uid: 7856 topic_id: 4773 reply_id: 15391[/import]


Did you consider making this solution work with the synch cable through the USB? I think this could help eliminate any potential latency issues. Proximity should not be a problem anyways since when I’m developing & debugging my app I’ll be in front of my dev machine. Just a thought.

PS. I do look forward to seeing how you communicate with the PC via IP though. I think what you’ve done there can be reworked for some peer-to-peer networked games that I had in mind.

I agree with your sentiments. Divide & conquer comes to mind. For a well written tool that nicely complements Corona I don’t think the price point is off. I’m happy to see such 3rd Party developers stepping up to the plate and giving us excellent solutions such as the CPM, The Particle Candy, Corona Remote, Lime, Director Class, Beebe Game Lib etc. All the signs that make you go warm and fuzzy about the platform choice that you’ve made not so long ago…

Errm, so when do we get to see the next drop? :slight_smile: [import]uid: 11904 topic_id: 4773 reply_id: 15393[/import]

@rdcube here is a real video of the remote in action.

@ksan The remote is totally written in Corona and is transmitting over tcp. Thats the only way to do it at present as USB isnt supported in Corona and it would really complicate things. The video above is done with a poor wifi connection and as you can see it runs perfectly well, the remote will signal an error is the connection gets too poor and with auto disconnect if the connection is lost altogether.

Im thinking about writing a multiplayer library next as I pretty much have the networking down. I would need an new addition to Corona though for pairing. If it was what people wanted I could give it a look. [import]uid: 5354 topic_id: 4773 reply_id: 15438[/import]

I dont know about everyone else but it sure is what I want!!! (Multiplayer pairing that is!) [import]uid: 9968 topic_id: 4773 reply_id: 15447[/import]

Me too!!! [import]uid: 11904 topic_id: 4773 reply_id: 15448[/import]

Matthew, the more I think about this app the more I like the idea for all round testing. Would it be possible for you to extend the scope and not only send accelerator values from the device to the simulator but also the touch events? This way we could test almost anything in device conditions as opposed to hunting & pecking with the mouse. Just a thought. Thanks for listening. [import]uid: 11904 topic_id: 4773 reply_id: 15460[/import]


I dont think its possible at the moment but its something im willing to explore. Im waiting for first round approval from Apple and then I can look at adding more features. I think Ansca would need to let me programatically simulate a touch event in the simulator. Much like the jquery click function. [import]uid: 5354 topic_id: 4773 reply_id: 15461[/import]

Sounds great! Thanks much for that. Look forward to hearing of your App Store debut! [import]uid: 11904 topic_id: 4773 reply_id: 15465[/import]

I see what you’re doing, although impressive, I think is backwards to what I had in mind; I thought that I was going to be able to view my game on the device and view the data on the simulator :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Looks good, but probably adding the ability to test ‘touch’ might get me sold…still unsure on how I could take advantage of this tool :frowning:

I like the path you’re taking and definitely will look forward to ‘multiplayer pairing’ code :wink:

RD [import]uid: 7856 topic_id: 4773 reply_id: 15490[/import]

Just noticing the number of people wanting to simulate touch events. This may not be a viable option for you, but it’s working for me:

I’m using an Acer 23" touch screen which was about $US270. There are smaller (cheaper) screens which would be perfectly good for a secondary display only containing the simulator. Just make sure the screen has touch drivers for Mac.

Unless MP’s app is able to render whats visible in the simulator, not sure how a blank remote would be useful to interact with on-screen objects - unless you just want to swipe or tap the whole screen. [import]uid: 11393 topic_id: 4773 reply_id: 15495[/import]

@bedhouin, a simple workaround would be to have a matching grid overlay on each screen. That way you can position your touches based on the objects position’s relative to the guides in the simulator. [import]uid: 10248 topic_id: 4773 reply_id: 15496[/import]

How about using something like VNC until there is a packaged solution that does it all? [import]uid: 11904 topic_id: 4773 reply_id: 15501[/import]

For what it’s worth, you can simulate touch events in code:

[lua]pauseBtn:dispatchEvent( event )[/lua]

[import]uid: 1560 topic_id: 4773 reply_id: 15503[/import]

@BarkBark: That’s a neat idea. Simulator and device have matching grid layouts. With colour coding, thickening, or dashing of alternate lines it would be easier to pin point the corresponding locations. [import]uid: 11393 topic_id: 4773 reply_id: 15508[/import]

@Dotnaught thats cool, thats as expected. What I would need ( and have yet to try ) would be Runtime:dispatchEvent as I wouldn’t be able to target different buttons in the users app ( as every app is different ) but if I could capture the event in runtime on the iPhone and then dispatch the event in Runtime on the simulator it would probably work.

@rdcube Unfortunately not, doing remote viewing of the screen would take up to much runtime to be achievable in lua. The remote is primarily designed to transmit accelerometer data, the problem I was trying to solve. Next is hopefully touch and then compass. [import]uid: 5354 topic_id: 4773 reply_id: 15509[/import]

Awesome!! [import]uid: 10657 topic_id: 4773 reply_id: 15517[/import]

@Matthew Pringle i would love the Android version. Remote for Android is something i had in mind to write for myself until i discovered Your iPhone solution.

Also the multiplayer class - I WANT this! [import]uid: 10507 topic_id: 4773 reply_id: 15838[/import]

Just gone live, Apple and Ansca approved! [import]uid: 5354 topic_id: 4773 reply_id: 17308[/import]