Hello Overbeat,
We have fixed your problems. Please redownload the library files from:
Make sure the first line of the ultimote.lua says
Corona® Ultimote v 1.43
As google Chrome was refusing to re download and using a cached copy.
We were able to get the location event to fire by un-registering all listeners and registering the location event every time you restart the simulator by using the registerEvents command. If you do not use ultimote.registerEvents function in your initialization code then you will not get GPS events because of the power saving feature we were talking about earlier. The following code effectively forces the device to give you a location event every time you restart the simulator:
local ultimote = require("Ultimote")
The system.setLocationAccuracty and setLocationThreshold are forwarded to the device and essentially increases the frequency of location events. Please use those lines in your initialization code.
As for the swipe demo, everything works smoothly now. There was an error in handling the touch event dispatch code. Thank you for pointing out this error.
Please let us know if all this works and if you have any more questions/comments.
M.Y. Developers [import]uid: 55057 topic_id: 17667 reply_id: 90856[/import]