Thanks for the response. The user table is the part that I couldn’t see working with multiple apps giving individual logins.
After following Devs user screencast, you create a user with an ID and PW. Eg:
Fred runs the knitting app, logs in and is fine.
3 months later, Fred gets a new app he saw for yard sales. If he tries to sign up he’s likely going to be confused since he will try and register as and he’s going to get an error that he exists.
I did see ‘projects’, and I did experiment successfully with server side email. However I don’t see how users and projects inter-relate since there is no connection between the two. I did see that projects and server side API’s go hand in hand. More project stuff I have to look at.
I do understand that I can create/use as many databases as I want, either by name of by database design, I just wanted to use the User part as it’s nicely done and easy to manage
Thanks again for the response, just looking for clarity.