Coronium Core - Version 2.3.0


To others reading this, the issue was resolved. It was a configuration detail, nothing to do with the update.


Not only was it a problem entirely of my own making, but Chris provided his usual thorough and patient support. Can’t say enough about the product or the developer!

Hi Rob,

Core allows me to do things that are important and sometimes crucial for apps and games in 2018, while coding purely in lua and without having to resort to external api services, which often are both very generic and require additional coding language knowledge.

I cant praise that enough, being relatively new to both lua and coding in general, if you dont count some random ms access attempts and a year of gamemaker, which use their own, very different, coding language. In fact so different that coming from that to lua has been quite a struggle at first.

We all know a product is only as good as its support, and here develephant is on the top shelf, which is why i keep recommending coronium core.

Perhaps you could hire him to build a similar service into the corona api, which would leave the corona competition wanting and in tears  :P  :wink:

Hi @anaqim.  I am very aware of what Coronium Core is and what it does. I’ve had long conversations with @Develephant over the years with predecessors to Coronium Core.  I love what he has done.

My issue is time to work on personal projects. 


Its xmas all over again  :D  :D  :smiley:

Hi dev,

I just did a clean install on a new droplet and mongoDB was installed without asking.

How much overhead am I looking at?


Mongo is a required install now (starting in 2.2.0). Your overhead will be about 3% if you’re not actively using it.

Again, that’s why I’m considering a dedicated MySQL deployment.



FYI, if you’re concerned, you can shut down the mongo service as the ‘coronium’ user with:

sudo monit stop mongodb

But that will not survive a server restart.


Thanks, it will take a while before i’ll need to care about 3% so until then i’ll just ignore it.

Love the new batch sql apis

Applied the update and also updated the HTTPS Webmin. In the Config section now, the Server Key, the Mailgun Key and the Confirmation Host Address all say "Loading… " but never resolve. 


@Kevin - Just for my own information, I assume you updated from 2.2.0? Also, what hosting provider are you using?


Yes, 2.2.0 to 2.3.0, and Digital Ocean. This is a really not an issue, I won’t begin using the server until Friday and can easily close it and spin up another fresh, but let me know if there’s anything you want me to try in the meantime.


I’d like to run through some steps to confirm the update is working properly, so a few questions:

  • Was your 2.2.0 instance running HTTPS before the update? (I assume yes)

  • Are you able to create a new API project from the Webmin?

  • If you log in as the ‘coronium’ user and run:  cat ~/config/host.conf does it return the proper host address?

In the meantime, I’ll run through the update using HTTPS again and see if anything needs adjustments.

Thanks for your help.


  • 2.2.0 was running HTTPS already.

  • I am not able to create new API from the Webmin.

  • Yes, the correct HTTPS host is returned.

I have attempted the update again but see the same result.


Ok, thanks for the info, running some tests now.

My apologies for the inconvenience.



@kevin - As the ‘coronium’ user, do you see the proper host address when running: 

cat ~/pages/\_coronium/webmin/config.js


I wish I had the time to build an app that uses Coronium Core. It sounds so awesome… 


Hey Chris, cat ~/pages/_coronium/webmin/config.js returns the correct host.


I am having a difficult time recreating the issue. Your host entry should also have the ‘https://’ on it. Are you seeing that?


Not exactly sure what you mean by host entry, but if you’re talking about the Confirmation Host in Webmin Config, all it says is, "Loading… "