Alright, I added Samsung Galaxy A6, running Android 9, to the list of my test devices.
Using roaminggamer’s apk, I got the following results:
By adding the suggested function to my test, I got the following (I changed the grey rect into a circle and added another one to the centre to monitor for distortions):
So, the function did seem to address the issue in that the background was clearly wider (I’d wager wide enough to cover the screen, as expected), so safeActualContentWidth/Height do seem to provide the coordinates to the actual required coordinates. However, the amount of offset seems to be wrong.
I also didn’t seem to get the “if ( fixScale ) then” to fire, it always went for else. Another thing that is worrying me a bit is that while safeActualContentWidth/Height do seem to work for now, they should stop working once AndroidX support is added, i.e. when these APIs should return the display area not affected by the rounded corners.
Sorry for the fast and scatter brain responses, I’m trying to juggle several projects at the moment and trying to finish them before the weekend.