Custom Markers in MapView

I want an marker with image of my own in iphone application, so How can I add image in Mapview, I have already tried with myMap.addMarker(), but its not working at all with image, so please guide me, I also tried with Java script but also its not helpful for me, so please guide me

I want an click event navigation on marker, If user click on any marker from google map , then I want to open new lua storyboard view, but I am having problem in navigating in jS to corona lua code

I already tried with lua.vm.js and lua.js

here is my code block for the same\

var infowindow]]…i…[[=]]…storyboard.gotoScene( “mod_menu”, “fromBottom”, 500 )…[[ 

i am just trying to open view above code in java script but its not working and throwing error



I want an click event navigation on marker, If user click on any marker from google map , then I want to open new lua storyboard view, but I am having problem in navigating in jS to corona lua code

I already tried with lua.vm.js and lua.js

here is my code block for the same\

var infowindow]]…i…[[=]]…storyboard.gotoScene( “mod_menu”, “fromBottom”, 500 )…[[ 

i am just trying to open view above code in java script but its not working and throwing error

