Deprecated API Usage - Apple will stop accepting submissions of apps that use UIWebView APIs .

I suspect it’s plugins, so as a test I submitted a plugin-free app and got the same error. I ran a grep on the produced binary and the string UIWebView is in the binary.

We will have to find the source of it.


Weird. I just made an empty app with 3575, sent it to Apple and got just a green check mark from the validation server.

with 3575 and  gameanalytics, admob plugin  is OK.

as Rob’s,  this issue may be related with plugin.

@kaeguree thnx for the info.

I build with 3575 too.

@vlad could you check it further?

It could be the Pollfish plugin and I want to keep using it (probably more people care about it too).

Also Rob got the same error with plugin-free app.

All this can not be just a coincidence.

Something is really happening here and April is coming soon. 

Give your plugin list.

Appodeal and Pollfish, nothing else.

Yea, i need to clarify things a bit. Sometime I make mistakes. My app that failed actually had a plugin being linked to it. It had the old RevMob plugin. I wasn’t using it, but it was still in my build.settings. Building HelloWorld (or my app after removing the plugin) solved the issue.

I suspect that plugins are responsible and perhaps it can be narrowed down to ad based plugins. It would be quite expensive for them to do per-platform creatives. It’s much easier to build an HTML ad and put it in webview.

Mistakes happen, no big deal.

So, I used only two plugins, appodeal and pollfish.

It’s appodeal then.

Or pollfish is considered as an ad based plugin?

It doesn’t have to be an ad plugin. Pretty much anything that’s going to render something across multiple platforms is likely being done by a webview.

“ad” plugin is a bit narrow for pollfish, but they are a monetization plugin.


In case it’s the pollfish plugin, is it an easy fix?

In 20 days I will not be able to submit apps with that plugin in app store.

(If it’s the appodeal plugin then it’s even more serious.)


December 2020 for updates, April 2020 for new apps.

That changes a lot but it’s still a big issue.

Usually plugin fixes are pretty straight forward. The longer since we last updated, the more potential work is involved, as the plugin maker might be making breaking changes.

The problem is we only have one Engineer that can build plugins if you’re depending on Corona staff to build it, well it might be a while. We have our own deadline of 5/1 to get the engine off of our build servers and a bunch of other work. I’ll ask Vlad to look into it.



I have the same warning. I’m using this year build and using inmobi ads plugin.

InMobi is also a pretty old plugin.



What would be the ideal ads plugin that does not require an up front purchase like AdMod? By ideal I meant up to date and recently maintained. In short, can produce ads well.


Hey everyone. I just updated pollfish to 5.3.3. Please, check if it still works for you guys. It is fine on my test but it is very basic

In iOS iPhone XS, iPhone 11, iPad2 I don’t get the test survey when setting developer mode true.

I’m trying to build for android too but I get error code 256.

It happens sometimes.

The pollfish plugin doesn’t work for iOS (I can’t get the test survey when developer mode is true).

Also the reason I get error 256 and android builds fail is again the pollfish plugin!

Any chance to check it and fix it soon Vlad?

Looks like an easy fix!

/private/var/folders/1b/llv603mj4gj52mln3lywth800000gn/T/CLtmprDQUBm/template/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml Error: Mar 21 08:25:51.433 Mar 21 08:25:51.434 uses-sdk:minSdkVersion 15 cannot be smaller than version 16 declared in library [pollfish-googleplay-5.3.3.aar] /Users/faniskourtikakis/.gradle/caches/transforms-2/files-2.1/eda2601c88f49926619f099c5d9b4ec5/pollfish-googleplay-5.3.3/AndroidManifest.xml as the library might be using APIs not available in 15 Mar 21 08:25:51.434 Suggestion: use a compatible library with a minSdk of at most 15, Mar 21 08:25:51.435 or increase this project's minSdk version to at least 16, or use tools:overrideLibrary="com.pollfish" to force usage (may lead to runtime failures) Mar 21 08:25:52.031 Mar 21 08:25:52.032 FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. \* What went wrong: Execution failed for task ':App:processReleaseManifest'. Mar 21 08:25:52.032 \> Manifest merger failed : uses-sdk:minSdkVersion 15 cannot be smaller than version 16 declared in library [pollfish-googleplay-5.3.3.aar] /Users/johndoe/.gradle/caches/transforms-2/files-2.1/eda2621c88f49923619f099c5d9b4ac5/pollfish-googleplay-5.3.3/AndroidManifest.xml as the library might be using APIs not available in 15 Suggestion: use a compatible library with a minSdk of at most 15, or increase this project's minSdk version to at least 16, or use tools:overrideLibrary="com.pollfish" to force usage (may lead to runtime failures) \* Try: Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan Mar 21 08:25:52.033 to get full insights. \* Get more help at BUILD FAILED in 2m 5s Mar 21 08:25:53.540 Android build failed (256) after 134 seconds Mar 21 08:25:53.789 ERROR: Build Failed: Failed to Build Error code: 256

Thanks. Please, try again. For android, add minSdkVersion = “16”, to android section in build.settings

Both working now but I still get the same email from Apple about UIWebView APIs.

New apps approved this month will not be able to be updated on April.

Of course I talk about apps with Pollfish plugin.

Are we 100% sure that it has nothing to do with Appodeal plugin?

These are the only plugins I’m using right now. 

Pollfish was due updating anyway. It may be appodeal. It would be great if you could help me out, trying disabling some plugins and see if it helps.
Thanks a lot for letting me know. Also, make sure to use beta appodeal plugin