Deprecated API Usage - Apple will stop accepting submissions of apps that use UIWebView APIs .

@fanis.kourtikakis You need to know and answer exactly.
This is a problem with plugins using UI WebView. ( ITMS:90809, Most ads plugins cause this.)
It’s shown as a warning, but can’t submit the app, so it should be considered rejected.

So @vlads requested a list of plugins that are experiencing this problem here.

Any solution for this? I only use appodeal plugin and I have this issue, so for now is impossible send new apps to App Store…


I used appodeal.beta but App Store Connect still not accepting it.

Here is my build.settings.

[‘plugin.appodeal.beta.base’] = { publisherId = ‘com.coronalabs’ },
[‘plugin.appodeal.beta.GoogleAdMob’] = { publisherId = ‘com.coronalabs’ },
[‘plugin.appodeal.beta.AppLovin’] = { publisherId = ‘com.coronalabs’ },
[‘plugin.appodeal.beta.AdColony’] = { publisherId = ‘com.coronalabs’ },

I think I have the same problem with AppLovin plugin

Now I have tried with build 2020.3600,
but the problem continues:

ITMS-90809: Use of deprecated API: New applications using UIWebView are no longer accepted. Instead, use WKWebView to improve security and reliability. Find out more (

Then I removed AppLovin plugin and got no error.

I only use AppLovin to monetize, because it is the one that worked best for me and the most facilities I had to collect the money.

Are you going to update the AppLovin plugin?

Would really appreciate an update on this. Apps using the applovin plugin are being rejected by apple due the reasons discussed on this topic and I am getting similar issues with ironSource so we have no other available ads plugin that we have previously used.

ironSource has by far the highest eCPMs on ios in our experience and surely these are important plugins to anyone looking to deploy and monetise their apps on ios.

Isn’t this solved with the recent Appodeal plugin update? Appodeal 2.6.3 when?

Appodeal plugin has been updated to 2.6.4 some days ago (I think we have now).

The combination of Appodeal and latest Solar2D version is UIWebView free and you can upload your builds without problems.

We can have Applovin and Ironsource through Appodeal plugin. Disabling and enabling the desired ad networks is very easy and everything works like a charm.

Compared to the previous years with Corona, the Solar2D era is a breath of fresh air. Anybody can take advantage of this simple but poweful SDK, monetize with Appodeal and upload / get approval without errors. Completely free!

Does the change from UI WebView to WK WebView change anything in the front end? I mean, do we continue using native.newWebView as we used to?

Sadly appodeal doesn’t work out as well for us-- to begin, they are no longer accepting new registrations from various geographies including ours so it is impossible for anyone else on my team to collaborate or update our settings. Second, the fill rates are sometimes horrendous-- we had to wait till around 10k installs on an android app that we were testing and another 10-15k impressions per day for them to even begin showing ads for ironSource or Applovin and the fill rate was still around 10% which wasn’t acceptable to us.

Using the plugins, on the other hand, we create our own simple waterfall with the 2-3 networks that we prefer and it just suits us better. Surely we are not the only ones in this situation and there’d be others who are interested in having more options than the appodeal plugin.

Yes. I tried to make it seamless. If you see any differences, file a bug.

@vlads Do you have any plans to address issues with ITMS-90809?

  • plugin.applovin.paid
  • plugin.fbAudienceNetwork.paid
  • plugin.vungle
  • plugin.unityads
  • plugin.admob
  • plugin.adcolony


I also have a simple waterfall with a few ad networks that I can configure remotely without app updates. I use .json files on Dropbox. Works a charm. AdMob and AppLovin. Over time I have dropped Chartboost and AdBuddiz and Vungle.

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Yes, it’s no worse than the real time priorities that mediation providers set and once you’ve got the individual networks working, it’s easy to
Implement a waterfall. We simply push a string from a service like app42 each time the app is launched to set the order of networks. They offer some other great features too for a gaming backend and have a very simple Lua based API for solar2d.

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