Doggins: A Point-and-Click Adventure!

Looks awesome!

And thanks for sharing some of your experiences!

Looks really nice! Can’t wait to play it!

If you ever want to swap notes and discuss adventure engines, I will happily do so about our engine. It’s unoriginally named “Adventure Engine” and is currently powering our coming-soon game ( won’t link it here as I’m really not trying to plug it, this thread is about your game not ours ). It is also the upgraded engine to what we built for our previous 2 adventure games ( also won’t link here but easy to find if you want to see them )

@goddardc: Thank you!

@Glitch Games: I think I remember a Corona blog post you did about your engine, but I couldn’t find it. Maybe I’m inventing that? But yes, I’d love to hear a bit about your engine! I saw your git, and you have a LOT of interesting resources that I should dig through. If you want to start chatting, send me an e-mail at support(at)! Thanks a lot!

  • David

This game looks neat, keep up the great work on it :slight_smile:

@Danny: Thanks! And thanks for the fantastic tool that makes this game possible!

@david - Yes we did, took me a while to find it too :-)

I’ll send an email now to say hi :slight_smile:

@Glitch Games: Ah, that’s the one! Really helpful post. Thanks!

Really glad it is! We keep meaning to actually blog more about what we’re doing but never find the time.

Hi everyone,

Doggins is now “Waiting for Review” in the iOS App Store! It has also been nominated for the Gamer’s Voice Award at the 2014 SXSW Gaming Expo, and Brain&Brain (my wife and I) will be traveling to Austin to show the game. If you’re in Austin from March 7-9, come on by! The Gaming Expo is free and open to the public.

We also recently released a new website and trailer:


There’s more exciting news that we can’t yet announce, so for now, we wait for approval and release.

Thanks for reading!

  • David

Hi everyone,

Doggins is now “Waiting for Review” in the iOS App Store! It has also been nominated for the Gamer’s Voice Award at the 2014 SXSW Gaming Expo, and Brain&Brain (my wife and I) will be traveling to Austin to show the game. If you’re in Austin from March 7-9, come on by! The Gaming Expo is free and open to the public.

We also recently released a new website and trailer:


There’s more exciting news that we can’t yet announce, so for now, we wait for approval and release.

Thanks for reading!

  • David