Thanks for that Rob. I am stumped on this one. That is the sole Jumping function i have.I searched my entire hero.Lua (confirmed with a search) and i don’t even have a Boolean in the entire code? Also i attempted a print and i received boolean in the feed but i have no clue where it would be set as such. I am still playing around with the sticker knight template learning. Here is the code for the hero.lua.
local fx = require( "com.ponywolf.ponyfx" ) local composer = require( "composer" ) -- Define module local M = {} function instance, options ) -- Get the current scene local scene = composer.getScene( composer.getSceneName( "current" ) ) local sounds = scene.sounds -- Default options for instance options = options or {} -- Store map placement and hide placeholder instance.isVisible = false local parent = instance.parent local x, y = instance.x, instance.y -- Load spritesheet local sheetData = { width = 192, height = 256, numFrames = 79, sheetContentWidth = 1920, sheetContentHeight = 2048 } local sheet = graphics.newImageSheet( "scene/game/img/sprites.png", sheetData ) local sequenceData = { { name = "idle", frames = { 1 } }, { name = "walk", frames = { 2, 3, 4, 5 }, time = 333, loopCount = 0 }, { name = "jump", frames = { 6 } }, { name = "ouch", frames = { 7 } }, } instance = display.newSprite( parent, sheet, sequenceData ) instance.x,instance.y = x, y instance:setSequence( "idle" ) -- Add physics physics.addBody( instance, "dynamic", { radius = 54, density = 3, bounce = 0, friction = 1.0 } ) instance.isFixedRotation = true instance.anchorY = 0.77 -- Keyboard control local max, acceleration, left, right, flip = 500, 5000, 0, 0, 0 local lastEvent = {} local function key( event ) local phase = event.phase local name = event.keyName if ( phase == lastEvent.phase ) and ( name == lastEvent.keyName ) then return false end -- Filter repeating keys if phase == "down" then if "left" == name or "a" == name then left = -acceleration flip = -0.133 end if "right" == name or "d" == name then right = acceleration flip = 0.133 elseif "space" == name or "buttonA" == name or "button1" == name then instance:jump() print( type( self.jumping ) ) end if not ( left == 0 and right == 0 ) and not instance.jumping then instance:setSequence( "walk" ) instance:play() end elseif phase == "up" then if "left" == name or "a" == name then left = 0 end if "right" == name or "d" == name then right = 0 end if left == 0 and right == 0 and not instance.jumping then instance:setSequence("idle") end end lastEvent = event end instance.jumping = 0 function instance:jump() if self.jumping\<2 then self:applyLinearImpulse( 0, -880 ) instance:setSequence( "jump" ) self.jumping = self.jumping+1 end end function instance:hurt() fx.flash( self ) sounds.hurt[math.random(2)] ) if self.shield:damage() \<= 0 then -- We died fx.fadeOut( function() composer.gotoScene( "scene.refresh", { params = { map = self.filename } } ) end, 1500, 1000 ) instance.isDead = true instance.isSensor = true self:applyLinearImpulse( 0, -500 ) -- Death animation instance:setSequence( "ouch" ) self.xScale = 1 self, { xScale = -1, time = 750, transition = easing.continuousLoop, iterations = -1 } ) -- Remove all listeners self:finalize() end end function instance:collision( event ) local phase = event.phase local other = event.other local y1, y2 = self.y + 50, other.y - ( other.type == "enemy" and 25 or other.height/2 ) local vx, vy = self:getLinearVelocity() if phase == "began" then if not self.isDead and ( other.type == "blob" or other.type == "enemy" ) then if y1 \< y2 then -- Hopped on top of an enemy other:die() elseif not other.isDead then -- They attacked us self:hurt() end elseif self.jumping and vy \> 0 and not self.isDead then -- Landed after jumping self.jumping = false if not ( left == 0 and right == 0 ) and not instance.jumping then instance:setSequence( "walk" ) instance:play() else self:setSequence( "idle" ) end end end end function instance:preCollision( event ) local other = event.other local y1, y2 = self.y + 50, other.y - other.height/2 if and ( y1 \> y2 ) then -- Don't bump into one way platforms if other.floating then = false else = 0.1 end end end local function enterFrame() -- Do this every frame local vx, vy = instance:getLinearVelocity() local dx = left + right if instance.jumping then dx = dx / 4 end if ( dx \< 0 and vx \> -max ) or ( dx \> 0 and vx \< max ) then instance:applyForce( dx or 0, 0, instance.x, instance.y ) end -- Turn around instance.xScale = math.min( 1, math.max( instance.xScale + flip, -1 ) ) end function instance:finalize() -- On remove, cleanup instance, or call directly for non-visual instance:removeEventListener( "preCollision" ) instance:removeEventListener( "collision" ) Runtime:removeEventListener( "enterFrame", enterFrame ) Runtime:removeEventListener( "key", key ) end -- Add a finalize listener (for display objects only, comment out for non-visual) instance:addEventListener( "finalize" ) -- Add our enterFrame listener Runtime:addEventListener( "enterFrame", enterFrame ) -- Add our key/joystick listeners Runtime:addEventListener( "key", key ) -- Add our collision listeners instance:addEventListener( "preCollision" ) instance:addEventListener( "collision" ) -- Return instance = "hero" instance.type = "hero" return instance end return M
I am still learning and playing with corona templates until I am comfortable to start my own. Thanks again for the help.