Makes sense…
“I suspect it is some sort of fraudulent activity to manipulate rankings for other apps, they just download some other random apps to make it seem like they are legit users.”
Makes sense…
“I suspect it is some sort of fraudulent activity to manipulate rankings for other apps, they just download some other random apps to make it seem like they are legit users.”
Same happened to me.
It started in 16. of August, I get 4x-10x more downloads from China, all was without any actions.
I have two accounts and in both accounts 90% of games received those fake downloads.
It was big problem for me, as I am selling my apps and I need real stats, not inflated or incorrect data.
Then I wrote to Apple support 3 or 4 times about this issue, and every time answer was something like “our engineers is doing all they can, but we can’t provide resolution at the moment nor any information on how to solve it.”
But two days ago it stopped! I am receiving normal amount of downloads again in both accounts!
I don’t know if Apple solved it and I will never know what caused it. Apple is not giving any info of course.
So I received about 100k fake downloads in these 5-6weeks.
Back to normal the past couple of days, down to nil.
+1, downloads seemed normal from last Saturday…
My downloads had returned to normal as well, but both my games had a weird Chinese download spike yesterday, so we could be in for a re-run!