Dynamic lighting camera system

Hi everyone, it has been a while. I already had everything up and running to distribute this as a plugin a while ago, but i’ve changed my mind. I will be releasing this as open source , but i only need one piece of advice, what license should i use? I want to keep it simple, so my guess is to use the MIT license. Anything else i might be missing?

Yeah, that’s what I would use.

Thanks!  That is very generous of you to share.  Did you finish your project?

MIT is the safest for you, as it frees you from all responsibilities, and it is one of the most common software licenses so potential users will likely know what it is they are agreeing to without having to read the license and understand some weird legalese.

What made you decide to change to open source?

@sporkfin The level editor and the game, not yet. I had to pause them to focus on other stuff. These i work on my “free time” even though its more of a “now and then” thing.

@XeduR This way i can sort of add features based on what you guys need, and you can also see how it works under the hood. I also want to share some other libraries and ways of organizing projects so i’ll be sharing that too, soon. 

As to what made me change my mind, well… i’ve been sitting on this project for a while now, you might as well start using it even if i’m not. Make it for all of us and not just me  :D will add the MIT license and release the repo links tomorrow 

Alright, here are the links, which should be pretty self-explanatory



Please note that this structure uses my way of using dependencies with a command line tool, which was not intended for LUA or Corona in any way. The project also showcases my other library


Which is like a require shortener, useful for tons of dependencies on a single folder and cross library referencing, using pure LUA, i’m sure it will come in handy.

Please read the instructions carefully, if anything comes up i’ll be around, send me a message or post here? Anyway, test it out and tell me what you think of it. Enjoy, and happy coding!  :slight_smile:

I’m using Corona Version 2019.3542 (2019.10.24) so it must work with that and up

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Wow, I feel like I just found the buried treasure!  Thanks for sharing, like I said before, that is quite generous!