Hi Rob, in the build dialog I am selecting “Send to App Store” and the result is an *.ipa file so I believe that is a native build. Is that correct or should I check another setting?
If you’re doing “native” builds, you would be using Xcode and building from inside Xcode. It sounds like you’re doing a simulator build by doing either a File->Build->iOS in the simulator or pressing CMD-B and using the dialog box that pops up.
Hi Rob,
Is there any additional information you need to help out? Or can you point me to how to docs on how to export my project to a native build so I can troubleshoot further? Again if you are looking to reproduce it you could probably have the team that built this project upgrade https://coronalabs.com/blog/2016/02/02/corona-cannon-a-new-corona-sdk-sample-game/ and they will most likely come across the issue as well.
Before we go that route, as I don’t now that it would really help. Instead what happens if you try and build and submit our HelloWorld sample app that ships with Corona?
Hi, just to close the loop on this: it suddenly started working, maybe a transient issue on Apple’s side? Not sure. Thanks for your help and suggestions.