Thanks! Will take a look into it.
Hi! So it’s definitely a problem with having " 's " in a word that I am trying to POST. I am trying to figure out how to escape the ’ to be able to send the word successfully. I am trying to use the UTF8 plugin, but not sure what function to use for this purpose? (I am not using international characters). If I were to use the php solution from that link you sent, can you perhaps please give me some guidance? Thanks!
Are you able to try escaping the apostrophe manually? For example. do a find and replace in the string to change " ’ " into " ’ "?
I am POSTing this:
name = tostring(storeMenu[i].stripeName)
The storeMenu[i].stripeName is being pulled from MongoDB, however Stripe does not like the 's and spits me back an error. If the name has no ‘s, then the transaction goes through fine. I can apply a find and replace to that I guess by doing the following: name = string.gsub( storeMenu[i].stripeName, "’", “/” )
Would that work?
trying this now: string.gsub( storeMenu[i].stripeName, “’”, " ’ " )
Will keep you posted…
still not working… aargh
AAAH it wasn’t the 's that Stripe was not liking… it was the & in the name. All fixed! Thanks for your help though!