I think my workflow is a bit different than most, in that I have been taking incremental steps to have a fully-functional Facebook implementation, because this stuff is so foreign to me. To confirm, I didn’t start on this until the 3rd, so all users, apps and steps taken have been performed since then.
::gets on soapbox:: I would prefer to not even have to worry about Facebook, as I don’t personally have a page, and I think the market that uses it wouldn’t be interested in my products. But, Facebook is a reality we all have to live with, so I need to get my skills up. ::steps down from soapbox::
So, to test out the functionality, I took the following steps:
Created app in facebook developer portal
Created test app under this app
In the test app, under settings, clicked the Add Platform option
Here, input the Package Name for my app, and the Class Name ( com.ansca.corona.CoronaActivity)
Checked on Single Signon and Enabled Deep Linking
Go to Roles, and added test users.
6a. Key hashes are not relevant here. I found this out as I was inputting just random text and all logins worked fine, without errors in the adb logcat.
Used sample Facebook code to log in with a test user.
Checked test user’s Facebook wall, and saw post located there.
This, again, is just for control purposes, to confirm that extended permissions do indeed work, at least on some level. I can knock up an Android build for you to test if you would like (iOS can happen, but not as quickly, as my Macbook is tucked away right now). Let me know.