Hi Rob, thanks for your help. Just to make sure I get this right, are you saying each time I build CL checks the plugin version and gives me the latest and greatest? If so then all should be fine. I just want to make sure I don’t get stuck with the older plugin because I’m waiting on an older daily build. Thanks for your clarification.
That did the trick for me - thanks, dchan, Rob, and everybody for getting such a quick resolution!
Yes, with a few caveats like some plugins require minimum build numbers, etc.
Thanks for confirming. Most appreciated.
I can confirm that its working correctly for me now too, cheers.
Just saw this listed in daily build 2298
- iOS: Fix the Facebook plugin’s isPublishPermission unrecognized selector error.
This is just a plugin update so I will still get it when I rebuild my app on 2275 right?
The sample Facebook app shows the web based login window, although I have the latest Facebook app installed?
This is on iOS.
So if I want to post a photo to a Facebook wall via facebook.request( “me/photos”, “POST”,attachment), I have to request some permissions be approved on the Facebook developer portal?
While you’re developing you can create a test app and use test users and not request the permission, but it will have to be approved before you go live. Also, if you have an older AppID I think you’re good. I’m not sure when Facebook changed to this requirement.
but to sum it up, Yes.
Woah - just looked at the process for adding the ‘publish_actions’ permission. You have to provide them with a simulator build and screenshots showing how your app will interact with Facebook.
This is all fine if you’re a big company and you can hire minions to do all this rubbish, but as an indie developer it’s just another huge set of hoops to jump through, rather than actually doing the fun part of the job - i.e. coding.
Spot on! The bar has risen too much for the small guy to support these features. I for one don’t see the ROI on facebook integration. If these features are heavily requested by a paying client I will work on them but otherwise for my casual games etc its just not worth it.
@ksan +1
Facebook isn’t infrastructure. I don’t see why people bend over backwards to implement it in the first place.
at first I was all:
then I was all:
@Panc Software
Here’s back at you… In the words of my hero
For my purposes it’s straightforward. On iOS:
native.showPopup(“social”, {…})
On Android:
fb.showDialog(“feed”, {…})
No Facebook reviews needed and images/text/links posted to timelines. Works for me but I appreciate it might not fit everyone’s needs.
Hi, MAS1.
Can you post a sample code usage for android, with how you are using the facebook.showDialog?
Currently we have even troubles to make this one working,
The code i use is from the sample/docs.
Not much point posting it up. Why? Because the code is in the docs/samples and there are so many setup issues on the Facebook portal side that one step wrong will throw it all out.
I appreciate this is not too helpful! However, all the answers are in the forums/docs and repeating it all hear would require more time than I have due to heavy work commitments.
The Facebook sample app is the code I use. Best of luck!
ok, just though you used some extra parameters from the facebook api.
It’s not that bad, I’ve gotten two through already. In my case both were limited to ‘share your score’ type photo posts, so I really didn’t have four separate screens to give them. So I gave them: in-game where the fb share button was, fb in my desktop browser showing an actual post, desktop browser displaying Corona’s fb guide sample posting code, my text editor showing my actual posting code. (and then described similarly as above in the ‘notes’ section they provide) They took it, no questions asked. For such uses, I think they’re more interested in running the app (make sure you give them a nice simple “press this, then press that” walkthrough in the notes) Also make sure your app DOES NOT auto-fill any user message text (that’s a guaranteed rejection – unless you just get very lucky and they don’t notice, which is unlikely since it’s now high priority criteria)
Confirming: new apps MUST complete the review process for extended permissions. otherwise you will NEVER get the extended permissions as a “real user” in a “live app”. you can publish it publicly before completing review, but it’ll only work properly with your dev/test accounts.
On (or about) May 1, 2014 – it essentially “just” happened.
Corona. Congratulations on breaking the Facebook implementation again. For the 20th time or so. Our support is now flooded with tickets; No one can log in with Facebook if they do a clean install. The users that don’t delete the current version before updating can log in just fine - they have the Facebook session token available. So the issue is only with clean sandboxes.
I have done some testing - like I’ve done for you every time you’ve broken Facebook - and it took me 1 whole minute to see that starting from your changes in build 2292 and ever since it’s not possible to log in with Facebook. I did an extremely hard to set up test - I ran my build using the amazing Xcode Simulator! Have you heard of that? You should take a look, it’s shocking how easy it is to test things using that simulator.
If I go back to 2289 and run my build, it works just like it should.
I can’t find ONE single time you have done a Facebook SDK update that went well. It’s always several weeks with bugs, ignorance and fumbling in the dark. And it’s always because your team don’t test properly. Amazed that you still haven’t learned that when you touch the Facebook SDK, you are in deep shit and need to do proper testing.
thank you for posting this. I have posted a thread about big issues with the new Facebook but got no response from Corona.
Till today I have lost hours an hours trying to make it work, finally I gave up and decided to wait to see if others will have issues, I thought maybe I am crazy.
We were ready to ship our new game but now we are stuck…