Thanks, Andrew. I’ve reinstated the comma-delimited string and I find that the result, with one id or a list, depends on how I’m signed into Facebook in the native app. Using my own account I get “No valid recipients” and no requests are sent. Signed on as one of my test users I’m taken to the multi-selector dialog, and the test users I select there do get the notification (the ids in the list string do not default to selected). All the test users have friended each other, whereas none of them are friends of my account. The Facebook description of the to keyword says this shouldn’t matter: “These may or may not be a friend of the sender.” That seems to be incorrect. Anyway, here’s my logic for building the string of ids.
local params = {}
params.title = “Let’s play!”
params.message = “Let’s play!”
params.frictionless = “1”
local requestList = “”
for i = 1, #facebookRequestIds do
if i > 1 then
requestList = requestList…","
requestList = requestList…facebookRequestIds[i]
end = requestList
print( – “100006487971020,100006532337310” (two test user ids)
facebook.showDialog(“apprequests”, params) – print(event.response) => “fbconnect://success”
Incidentally, this to say about apprequests:
“New Facebook policy, effective January 8, 2014: App requests can no longer offer a select all option or pre-select multiple recipients to receive a request.” Should I read that to mean that in a few months I (we) will have to loop through the list with multiple requests anyway?