Fix My Storyboard App Help Needed

I thought Kiena had fixed it already? Happy to help but I’m busy until Saturday, when I’ll be on a 9-hour flight and have plenty of time to look at it!

Hi Nick,

Sorry for the late reply. I get a reply once in a while from Kiena but looks like I need to find someone else to help me. No I did not add everything to the .view which I do not know much about. I will try looking this up. I think I just need to add all items to the view once I understand it. And I need to place everything in the right place of the storyboard functions.

As far as it not showing up right for all device, I started the storyboard as a 320x480 size device assuming it would resize them all correctly. I do not have a Mac but on my windows version is shows right on all selected device. I have an account with which i have yet to even log into so I will see what it looks like on that simulator once I get this issue fixed. I’ll post in the other forum about how to use the .view of the storyboard and go from there. If you want to mess with it I’ll be glad to pay you only if you want.



Please see the other thread where I hope I explained the problem.