Anyone else having problems adapting to the new plugin? I followed the documentation and can’t make it work.
Indeed I had received one mysterious bug report about gpgs and login from the previous version.
Anyone else having problems adapting to the new plugin? I followed the documentation and can’t make it work.
Indeed I had received one mysterious bug report about gpgs and login from the previous version.
Can you be more specific about what’s not working? Errors? the version of Corona you’re using? Any messages from your device’s console (adb logcat)?
I could receive the “logged in” event with no errors and the gpgs welcome message is showing.
gpgs.isConnected() is returning false, though.
When calling gpgs.isConnected()
10-07 16:12:21.935 3674 8087 W AppOps : Bad call: specified package under uid 10698 but it is really 10020 10-07 16:12:21.935 3674 8087 W AppOps : java.lang.RuntimeException: here 10-07 16:12:21.935 3674 8087 W AppOps : at 10-07 16:12:21.935 3674 8087 W AppOps : at 10-07 16:12:21.935 3674 8087 W AppOps : at$Stub.onTransact( 10-07 16:12:21.935 3674 8087 W AppOps : at android.os.Binder.execTransact( 10-07 16:12:21.954 4244 4632 W GamesServiceBroker: Client connected with SDK 12451000, Services 14366021, and Games 70890048 10-07 16:12:21.956 4244 4735 W GamesServiceBroker: Client connected with SDK 14366000, Services 14366021, and Games 70890048 10-07 16:12:21.961 3674 8087 W AppOps : Bad call: specified package under uid 10698 but it is really 10020 10-07 16:12:21.961 3674 8087 W AppOps : java.lang.RuntimeException: here 10-07 16:12:21.961 3674 8087 W AppOps : at 10-07 16:12:21.961 3674 8087 W AppOps : at 10-07 16:12:21.961 3674 8087 W AppOps : at$Stub.onTransact( 10-07 16:12:21.961 3674 8087 W AppOps : at android.os.Binder.execTransact( 10-07 16:12:21.974 3674 5834 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10020 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "MGNET-PLUG", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 10-07 16:12:22.021 4210 13502 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout: Socket closed 10-07 16:12:22.021 4210 13502 W Conscrypt: at (040408-213742215):2) 10-07 16:12:22.021 4210 13502 W Conscrypt: at (040408-213742215):2) 10-07 16:12:22.029 4244 5109 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout: Socket closed 10-07 16:12:22.030 4244 5109 W Conscrypt: at (040408-213742215):2) 10-07 16:12:22.030 4244 5109 W Conscrypt: at (040408-213742215):2) 10-07 16:12:22.046 4244 5115 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout: Socket closed 10-07 16:12:22.046 4244 5115 W Conscrypt: at (040408-213742215):2) 10-07 16:12:22.046 4244 5115 W Conscrypt: at (040408-213742215):2) 10-07 16:12:22.075 4210 11241 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout: Socket closed 10-07 16:12:22.075 4210 11241 W Conscrypt: at (040408-213742215):2) 10-07 16:12:22.075 4210 11241 W Conscrypt: at (040408-213742215):2) 10-07 16:12:22.517 4244 11707 W GamesServiceBroker: Client connected with SDK 14536000, Services 14366021, and Games 70890048 10-07 16:12:22.529 4244 11711 W GamesServiceBroker: Client connected with SDK 14536000, Services 14366021, and Games 70890048
When calling directly it confirms it is not connected:
10-07 16:20:08.830 13491 13541 W plugin.gpgs.v2: Not connected
I’m using Corona version 2018.3393
Do we require this plugin for the Admob plugin to also work in Google Play apps? I thought we had needed both plugins in order for Admob ads to work in Play Store apps…
The new plugin does not work for me as well.
Tested with latest Public Release als well als latest Daily Build.
Just like lmgualandi I receive the “logged in” event.phase for the “login” event.
However, showing leaderboards and achievements does not work - e.g. “ ()” does nothing, even the listener does not get called.
Edit: When calling () the Console output is:
W/plugin.gpgs.v2: Not connected
Best regards!
Can you compare your code to:
and see if your login process is different?
If it’s not working can you make a sample app with your code that’s not working?
I made a sample, but removed my keys. I tested and it works with the old gpgs version.
With the new version, isConnected() is always returning false
I haven’t been using the .isConnected() method in my game/test app. I just added it and I get “true”. Here is my login code:
local function gpgsLoginListener( event ) print("\*\*\* gpgsLoginListener \*\*\*") print( json.prettify( event ) ) if not event.isError then if ( == "login" ) then -- Successful login event myData.isGameNetworkingLoggedIn = true print("I think isConnected() is", gpgs.isConnected()) if myData.gameNetworkingCallback then myData.gameNetworkingCallback() end end end end local function gpgsInitListener( event ) print("\*\*\* gpgsInitListener \*\*\*") print( json.prettify( event ) ) if not event.isError then if ( == "init" ) then -- Initialization event print("\*\*\* Attempting to log in the user to GPGS \*\*\*") gpgs.login( { userInitiated=true, listener=gpgsLoginListener } ) elseif ( == "login" ) then -- Successful login event print( json.prettify(event) ) myData.isGameNetworkingLoggedIn = true if myData.gameNetworkingCallback then myData.gameNetworkingCallback() end end end end if gpgs then print("Initializing GPGS") gpgs.init( gpgsInitListener ) end
myData is my global data table but shouldn’t be important in having this work.
Ok, but showing the leaderboards isn’t working as well, stating that there’s no connection
They are working for me. Can you tell me more about how you’re testing? Debug keystore or Release keystore? Are you seeing the game login to GPGS (little banner pops up)?
Are you getting errors in your console log?
How are you looking at the console log?
What device are you testing to?
I’m pretty much using the code from this tutorial:
There are of course endless ways that you can implement things like GPGS. I don’t use the .isConnected() API for instance. We can’t test every possible combination of what you can do. All I can say is that in the game I’m building, it works. Leaderboards show. .isConnected() prints “true”. In fact here is a video that I captured this morning
using this code:
local function gameNetworkingLeaderboards() print("\*\*\* gameNetworking leaderboards \*\*\*") if gameNetwork then print("\*\*\* gameNetwork: attempting to call show leaderboard") "leaderboards", { leaderboard = { category = "com.omnigeekmedia.alieninvasion.leaderboard" }, listener = showLeaders }) elseif gpgs then print("\*\*\* GPGS trying to show GPGS leaderboard", myData.gpgs.isConnected()) ) end end
This is the same code that was working with v1 and it’s working with v2. You need to compare what you’re doing with this and see where you’re different. I’m not saying that we don’t have a bug, it’s very possible, but we need to know what’s different between how you’re trying to use it and how we are.
I ran your test app and here is the console log from the run:
Oct 10 10:52:13.808 ---------- Device Log Starts ---------- Oct 10 10:52:14.926 Nexus 9: Platf Oct 10 10:52:14.926 orm: Nexus 9 / ARM Neon / 7.1.1 / NVIDIA Tegra / OpenGL ES 3.1 NVIDIA 343.00 / 2018.3401 / English | US | en\_US | en Oct 10 10:52:14.971 Nexus 9: Unable Oct 10 10:52:14.971 to start service Intent { cmp=com.omnigeekmedia.Alien\_Invasion/ } U=0: not found Oct 10 10:55:06.396 Nexus 9: App starting Oct 10 10:55:06.397 Nexus 9: WARNIN Oct 10 10:55:06.397 G: licensing.init() was already called for google. Nexus 9: licensingInit == true Oct 10 10:55:07.284 Nexus 9: \>\> Oct 10 10:55:07.284 Nexus 9: { Nexus 9: "name":"init", Nexus 9: "type":"init", Nexus 9: "isError":false Nexus 9: } Oct 10 10:55:08.224 Nexus 9: \>\> Oct 10 10:55:08.237 Nexus 9: { Nexus 9: Oct 10 10:55:08.238 "name":"login", Nexus 9: "phase":"logged in", Nexus 9: "isError":false Nexus 9: } Oct 10 10:55:11.061 Nexus 9: Attempting new login Oct 10 10:55:11.078 Nexus 9: \>\> Ne Oct 10 10:55:11.078 xus 9: { Nexus 9: "name":"login", Nexus 9: "phase":"logged in", Nexus 9: "isError":false Nexus 9: } Oct 10 10:55:21.718 Nexus 9: Is Oct 10 10:55:21.718 connected true
The only difference was using my Package Name, my googlePlayGamesAppId in build.settings, and my “key” in config.lua
It’s possible you don’t have something configured correctly on Google Play that the V2 plugin depends on that the V1 did not.
My behavior is just like bjoern, except I’m using adb logcat.
I’m reviewing my configurations on the console, but still no luck
Sorry, quoting myself here :-) But does anyone know the answer to my question above? I’m hoping I only need to do the change for the apps that have leaderboards, and not all of my apps.
No, GPGS is used for game activities like leaderboards and achievements, multi-player game support, saving game data across devices, etc. AdMob does not need this in any way.
I’m checking everything on Google Play, but I could not find a problem so far.
I’m wondering if there is an issue with how Corona handles the resource files for leaderboards/achievements? How is this done?
In a native app you would just create an res/values/games-ids.xml file with the content generated by Google Play Games Console.
Best regards!
@bjoern, what is the status on your app with regards to alpha test, beta test, release? Is your account an authorized tester? Here is what the engineer had to say:
“I looked at this issue and here are my thoughts. When I started working on this plugin I also got every time isConnected() false in any case until I put the app signed with the correct key into Google Play Console, particularly, into internal test branch of release section. After that, I added my own email addresses into testers list, activated Play Game Services for this app and only then became able to download it from play store. Until I done all of these isConnected() returned false every time. When I installed the test app from Google Play store, everything behaved as expected and isConnected() has returned true.”
My app is set up as an Alpha test with my email as a tester. Maybe something in what he said will give you a clue as to the difference.
I just tested it the way described above - I uploaded my APK signed with the release key as internal test to Google Play Console, and also made it available for Alpha test. My account is registered as tester for internal tests and for Alpha tests. I installed the Alpha test version of the app on the device from Google Play Store. (My leaderboard and achievements are all in a published state).
I still get the same behavior as described above.
Hi Rob,
I’ve just did the same test here with my game and got the same results. I’ve created an internal test track on Google Play and uploaded the game. After downloading it through my test user I confirm that leaderboards and achievements are not working for me neither.