Hi! First of all, before calling any methods from the plugin check the connection state because the result of isConnected() method can be false and you probably will get this error. Second, if you didn’t update your app at the https://play.google.com/apps/publish or at the https://console.developers.google.com/, or you didn’t set up the project completely, the plugin will not allow you to call the methods.
Probably this would help you with debugging your application
function m.setTopScore( score, leaderboardIndex ) if isiOS then local categories = { "com.frikado.leaderboard.park", "com.frikado.leaderboard.room" } gameNetwork.request( "setHighScore", { localPlayerScore = { category=categories[leaderboardIndex], value=score }}) elseif isAndroid then local function submitCallback(event) native.showAlert( "Submit Event!", "Set Top Score", { "OK" } ) end if gpgs.isConnected() then gpgs.leaderboards.submit({ leaderboardId = leaderboardIDs[leaderboardIndex], score = score, listener = submitCallback }) else native.showAlert('Is connected?', gpgs.isConnected() and 'Yes' or 'No', {'OK'}) end end end function m.showLeaderboards() if isiOS then gameNetwork.show( "leaderboards" ) elseif isAndroid then local function showCallback(event) native.showAlert( "Show Event!", "Show Leaderboard", { "OK" } ) end if gpgs.isConnected() then gpgs.leaderboards.show({listener = showCallback}) else native.showAlert('Is connected?', gpgs.isConnected() and 'Yes' or 'No', {'OK'}) end end end