GameCenter request signature for external integration.

I’m confused. Do you need this for Lua or Native plugin? If you need it for native plugin, you can easily call it yourself, without being inside game kit/game center plugin like this:

[[GKLocalPlayer localPlayer] generateIdentityVerificationSignatureWithCompletionHandler:^(NSURL\* publicKeyUrl, NSData\* signature, NSData\* salt, uint64\_t timestamp, NSError\* error) { // Your code here }];

If from Lua, how do you plan to use it?

@vlads From Lua. I can use those values for the call to gamespark to authenticate with GameCenter (like I currently do with GooglePlay). But technically most single sign-on integrations should work the same way. Now I am curious how the other backends that are in the marketplace do it.

In Gamesparks it would look like this on the lua side:

local requestBuilder = gs.getRequestBuilder() local gameCenterConnectRequest = requestBuilder.createGameCenterConnectRequest() gameCenterConnectRequest:setPublicKeyUrl(\<publicKeyURL\>) gameCenterConnectRequest:setSalt(\<salt\>) gameCenterConnectRequest:setSignature(\<signature\>) gameCenterConnectRequest:send(function(response) --Response end)

Hi guys, are there any news?

Engineering is aware of the request, but it’s not something we have on our immediate list to address.  It’s a much bigger project than you might imagine for us to implement in the right way. I was hoping it would be low hanging fruit, but it’s not. 

This is one of those features that we probably should track, so we invite you to go to and create a new feature request for this and get the community to vote on it.

Note: We got rid of voting limits. You can now vote for an unlimited number of items.


@Rob Miracle

So at the moment corona can’t in any way log in with gameCenter?

I ask because here you told me it was possible:

I would therefore like to know if there is a way outside ofgenerateIdentityVerificationSignatureWithCompletionHandler. 

I apologize if I can seem insistent. Only I really need it …

Usually just playerID is used for that. generateIdentityVerificationSignatureWithCompletionHandler is used to do server verification with encryption and stuff. Do you need this method specifically?

It is common to fetch save files just using playerID without verifying identity with certificate.

Thanks to the immediate response!

I’m new to this type of operation so I thought it was mandatory.

I then rehearse and let you know.

Anybody who is still interested and currently using native builds, I created a plugin to get this information. It can be found here:

Have you considered submitting this to the Marketplace?


It would be free and sure would love to. What do I need to submit it? You know me I hate doing native builds so it would help me out also. I have to create the Lua stubs so it doesn’t generate an error on an sdk build, but that should be up tonight.

The plugin is now available for those who might need it. Thank you corona for helping me put it up on the MarketPlace.