Quick update!
While the builds are not published, you can download:
These builds have 64-bit Google turned on by default. Most everything should be working except for issues with LuaSec (needed for Web Sockets) and is tied to OpenSSL. The GameSparks plugin uses this as well as the Websockets plugin. We are working to fix it.
You should be able to publish with these builds assuming the plugin issues above are not needed. There may still be some third-party plugins that need updated.
Once we address the LuaSec issue, we are going to move on to Android API 28 support (also an August’ish deadline) and updating all the various google dependency plugins. They should “work”, but many are several versions behind and it will take time for us to update them all.
With this version, you get .aab (Android App Bundle) files created alongside your .apk files. .aab files will address the annoying “Your app isn’t optimized” warning that the Google Play developer console has been giving lately. To use .aab files, you must opt-in to Google’s new way of signing apps (.aab’s are unsigned). This may involve you having to update your android keystore files to a more modern format before uploading your keystore to Google where they will handle signing the apps. We’ve discouraged this in the past, but it’s required to use App Bundles, so it’s time to move forward. AAB files allow Google to produce smaller files to download for your users. A 16mb file produced more like an 8mb file for end users to download.
There is an AndroidResources folder along side the main.lua file. Inside that folder is a res folder and a bunch of Android mipmap-* folders. These folders contain the icons for Android apps going folder. Instead of Icon-xxxhdpi.png in main.lua, you move this folder to the mipmap-xxxdpi/ folder and rename it to ic_launcher.png. You will need to do this with all the the Icon-*dpi.png files…
This system also supports Adaptive Icons. If you do a File->New Project it will create a functioning AndroidResources tree that you can copy to your project and then update the appropriate files. We are working on updating the build guide to include information on this. These default icons are setup to have a transparent PNG information on foreground image and a solid color for the background image (look at the values.xml file). You can use an image as the background image, but that’s beyond what I want to go into in this post.
This should still be considered beta, but we’ve had really good testing and we know where specific problems lie. You should be able to start updating your apps as long as the listed issues are not a concern. And as always TEST TEST TEST before putting an app out for your users.