That’s not what I’m saying.
I’m just pointing out that if you don’t cancel all your timers and transitions before you move onto your next scene you could run into problems. If your previous scene only has a couple timers then they are easy to track.
But what if you have a more complex scene with many many timers and transitions, then you might not know when they all finish doing their job, some could be triggered by other timers, it’s all about making sure everything is stopped before you move on to your next scene and claiming the memory back by nilling them so you don’t get memory creep.
For example, shipTransition = (spaceShip, {time = 2000, x = x + 1000, onComplete = doSomething} )
After 2 seconds the function doSomething is called, the function doSomething could have more timers and transitions in it, the shipTransition maybe called via a timer or another transition over and over and so and so on and that’s just one simple part of the code. What if you’ve got lots of spaceships and aliens?
You have to track all your timers and transitions otherwise you’ll end up in a right mess, it’s got nothing to do with memory leaks.