First, this is borderline slipping off topic. Lets try to stay focused on the immediate issue.
Most users shouldn’t be interacting with the game until they see the UI and know what they are interacting with. If the splash screen is staying on screen too long, based on @Vlads’s description of what should happen, it could be a case of doing too much in main.lua before the enterFrame listener fires up. It’s very likely that depending on the device, those touch/tap events may get queued up and passed on to objects.
You can attempt to consume taps until you’re ready by creating a full screen rectangle. It can be invisibile, but set .isHitTestable to true so you can put a touch and tap listener on that rect and throw away any touches until you’re ready. Maybe set a short timer, like 17ms (to get into the second frame) and remove the blocker object. Maybe make it the last line of main.lua and not mess with timers.
All bugs are important to the person experiencing them but given how little this problem has occurred over the years and the importance of the other things we are working on, this is likely something that someone could tackle through the open source code and make a pull request.