Thank you very much!
OK, all ready! This one is considerably different than the previous (in code), so get ready to revamp your game code quite a bit if you choose to use this method.
Wow, thanks so much! I’ll start implementing right away!
Hi Brent, everything seems to be working ok except for one thing if I click on an area that is not on my button but still within the group region it jumps. Meaning that when I came to test the sliding:
Notice how the character jumps when I press and then starts moving when my mouse reaches the button? Also, here is the area that my groupRegion covers:
Does this occur on your side too?
Never mind I fixed it, just added an extra return true statement.
local function functionDirectionalKeys(event) local touchOverButton = detectButton(event) if event.phase == "began" then --etc. etc. elseif ( event.phase == "ended" and directionalKeyGroup.activeButton ~= nil ) then directionalKeyGroup.activeButton = nil anim:setLinearVelocity(0, 0) anim:setSequence("idle") anim:play() return true end return true --extra return statement end
Thanks for everything Brent, now it works completely!
I can finally wrap up this topic.
Great to hear! Let me know if you encounter any other oddities. I think the tutorial nails all of them, but there may be some outside edge case I didn’t consider.
None yet, so far!
Hey there, Brent, I have been able to get the character to continue sliding on Live Builds. Here is the APK, so you can see for yourself:
When you have time, please fiddle around with the controls until you are able to get the character to slide.