HiddenStatusBar for Android

I dont see display.setStatusBar (display.HiddenStatusBar) working in Android. Is this expected. I was not able to find anything specific in documentation.
If it doesnt work, how is one suppose to hide status bar in Android.
I am using Coronacards for embedding my game, will it make a difference ?

It’s fine for me, but I don’t use Corona Cards.

Corona Cards is limited in the Solar2D API, I don’t know whether this function call falls under that, however, since Corona Cards is just an “add-on” to your project you should be able hide the Status Bar through native code.

Thank you, hiding from native was my last resort. may be thats what I need to do with corona cards. Thank you again !!

Have you tried native.setProperty() ? androidSystemUiVisibility property might solve the problem.


Thank you @bgmadclown, yes that works…

On similar lines have a question for Coronacards support for landscape mode in Android.
I have added this to my build.settings

orientation =
		default = "landscapeRight",
		supported = { "landscapeLeft", "landscapeRight"},

But even then my game does not force the app to switch to landscape mode. Do I have to force this from native side as well, or define orientation for my host activity of this game ?

I’m sorry, I have absolutely no idea but looking at the sample project I don’t see a build.settings included. Maybe something else is used for orientation handling?

quick update:

Thank you @bgmadclown, reading the thread I see what it means. I would probably force it from native side.