Hoping for a really simple tutorial on creating native plugins...

Great, thanks.

Just wondering if there’s been any joy with this yet? Not sure what timezone you’re in…

Hi Richard,

We got an engineer to look into it. Hope there is nothing serious and will be fixed soon. 

Brilliant! =)

Hello! So we spent quite a bit of time trying to figure out what is going on just to realize it’s some weird Windows Android Studio bug.

Basically if you press run/debug it won’t copy some resources, including splash screen.

Try selecting “assembleRelease” from gradle panel, then locate an APK in app/build/outputs/apk and install it manually on device. Tell me if this is working.

Meanwhile we’re trying to understand what’s the matter.


It seems that disabling Instant Run solves the issue.

Excellent, thanks. I’ll try this asap and report back.

Seems Android Studio is pretty unstable at the moment :pensive:

Yep, disabling Instant Run does the trick perfectly! Thanks. Time for me to get properly stuck in to native plugin dev I guess…